Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences

- The Open Access Proceedings Series for Conferences

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Financial Technology and Business Analysis

Series Vol. 50 , 01 December 2023

Open Access | Article

Portfolio Optimization by Monte Carlo Simulation

Ankang Li * 1
1 Shanghai Concord Bilingual School, Shanghai, China

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences, Vol. 50, 133-138
Published 01 December 2023. © 01 December 2023 The Author(s). Published by EWA Publishing
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Citation Ankang Li. Portfolio Optimization by Monte Carlo Simulation. AEMPS (2023) Vol. 50: 133-138. DOI: 10.54254/2754-1169/50/20230568.


In this paper, Monte Carlo simulation is used for constructing Efficient Frontier and optimizing the portfolio. Then the performance of the optimized portfolio had been evaluated and compared to the performance of the whole market, Firstly, this study collected the closing prices of five stocks in different industries that was listed in New York stock exchange between 2023/01/01 and 2023/04/12. Secondly, to testify if the construction of the portfolio can possibly mitigate the volatility, the correlation coefficient between these chosen stocks has been calculated. Then, Monte Carlo simulation has been used to construct the Efficient Frontier and find the weights of Maximum Sharpe Ratio portfolio and Minimum Variance portfolio. Lastly, this study put the market price data between 2023/03/12 and 2023/04/12 into the portfolios which had been built in the last step. The returns were compared to the S&P 500 subsequently. As the results shows, the Maximum Sharpe Ratio portfolio is performed better than S&P 500, Minimum Variance portfolio is performed worse than S&P 500. The results of this paper show the performance of these two portfolios compare to the market, which may help investors to decide which strategy to use when it comes to constructing a portfolio.


portfolio optimization, monte carlo simulation, S&P500


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Volume Title
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Financial Technology and Business Analysis
ISBN (Print)
ISBN (Online)
Published Date
01 December 2023
Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences
ISSN (Print)
ISSN (Online)
01 December 2023
Open Access
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

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