Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences

- The Open Access Proceedings Series for Conferences

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Economic Management and Green Development

Series Vol. 27 , 10 November 2023

Open Access | Article

Research on Shackles of Agricultural Modernization in Northeast China -Taking the Promotion of the Western-style Agricultural Machinery in Northeast China as an Example

Mingyao Duan * 1
1 History School of Liaoning University

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences, Vol. 27, 120-125
Published 10 November 2023. © 10 November 2023 The Author(s). Published by EWA Publishing
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Citation Mingyao Duan. Research on Shackles of Agricultural Modernization in Northeast China -Taking the Promotion of the Western-style Agricultural Machinery in Northeast China as an Example. AEMPS (2023) Vol. 27: 120-125. DOI: 10.54254/2754-1169/27/20231266.


In the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, with the gradual development of social economy, agriculture in Northeast China also gradually began to modernize. In this context, businessmen from western developed countries saw the opportunity to actively promote their advanced agricultural machinery through various marketing strategies. Although they achieved satisfactory results in the initial years, their sales gradually weakened over time. Due to the lagging sales of Western-style agricultural machinery, agricultural production in most areas continues adopted the old method until Japan occupied the northeastern China in 1931. This phenomenon was result of the combination of multiple factors, such as special farming conditions, weak farmers 'economy, low self-organization ability of farmers, low labor cost, and complicated operation of western agricultural machinery. These adverse factors are also the shackles of the modernization of agriculture in Northeast China.


Northeast China, modernization of agriculture, Western-style agricultural machinery, shackle


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11. Takeo Sato. Research on Manchuria Agriculture [M]. Tokyo: Life Society, 1942, p. 315

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13. US Consular Report in Mukden 1906-1936 [Z]. The US National Archives Collection, RG84,1910-1931

14. The Second Historical Archives of China. Historical Materials of the Chinese Old Customs, 1859-1948, Vol. 159 [M], Beijing: Jinghua Publishing , 2001, p. 212-1522

15. Lian Jun. Economic overview of the three Eastern provinces[M]. Taipei:Biographical literature publishing, p136

16. Xu Shichang. Government affairs strategy of the three eastern provinces[M]. Changchun: Jilin Literature and History Publishing, 2007, p. 1522

17. Liu Zuyin. Introduction to Manchuria Agricultural Economy [M]. Changchun: The Jianguo Press, 1944, p. 84

18. Lian Jun. Economic overview of the three Eastern provinces[M]. Taipei:Biographical literature publishing, p134

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20. The Manchurian Historical Society. Forty years of development in Manchuria [M]. [Japan] Beijing: Xinhua Publishing , 1988, p. 63

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22. Lian Jun. Economic overview of the three Eastern provinces[M]. Taipei:Biographical literature publishing, p136

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24. The Manchurian Historical Society. Forty years of development in Manchuria [M]. [Japan] Beijing: Xinhua Publishing , 1988, p.464

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Volume Title
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Economic Management and Green Development
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ISBN (Online)
Published Date
10 November 2023
Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences
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10 November 2023
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This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

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