Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences

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  • Open Access | Article 2023-03-22 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/2/2023021

    Demographic Transitions and Economic Consequences: An Analysis of Population Ageing in China

    This research delves into the demographic transitions and their economic ramifications in China by critically analyzing the causes, scale, and impacts of population ageing, along with potential strategies for mitigating its challenges. Recognizing the significance of demographic ageing as a global phenomenon, the paper contextualizes China's ageing population within an international framework, drawing on empirical data and statistics. The analysis investigates the driving factors behind China’s ageing populace, evaluating whether it is an inherent byproduct of economic progression or if it is influenced by additional determinants. Subsequent segments of the study appraise the multifaceted effects of demographic ageing on China's economic landscape and societal structures, encompassing both advantageous and detrimental aspects. To broaden the scope, this study includes an examination of the outcomes of population ageing in other nations, which serves as a reference point for envisaging prospective trajectories for China. Conclusively, the paper proffers recommendations and potential strategies aimed at alleviating the adverse impacts and proactively addressing the challenges posed by an ageing population.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-03-22 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/2/2022011

    Research on the Influence of Inconsistency Between Anchor Image and Product Image on Consumers' Purchase Intention

    In recent years, the live broadcast industry has been booming, but some anchors have realized that their images are not consistent with the images of recommended products, which will affect consumers' purchasing intentions. This paper takes consumer perception as the theoretical basis to construct a hypothesis model and takes situational experiment as the research method. Finally, the conclusion is drawn that the inconsistency between anchor image and product image will have a negative effect on consumers' purchase intention, and consumers' perception of anchor professionalism and perceived product reliability play a mediating role between the two. The text puts forward a new explanation mechanism in theory, and has some enlightening effect on the selection of anchor team in practice.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-03-22 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/2/2022012

    The Significance of Dry Pepper Futures to China's Pepper Industry

    In recent years, many new futures varieties have been launched in China's futures market, such as apples, dates and pigs. Recently, the CSRC and relevant departments of the stock exchange jointly planned and launched a new futures variety -- dry pepper futures, which will be listed and traded in Dalian Futures Exchange in 2022. The listing of dried pepper futures has a very important pilot and demonstration significance for China's pepper industry and even the national agriculture. It is not only conducive to traditional agriculture to avoid the price volatility risk brought by market supply and demand through futures trading, but also to realize better circulation through standardized delivery, thus promoting the development of the entire agricultural economy. In this paper, through the investigation of Guizhou local dry pepper planting and trading status quo, comparative study of the international pepper futures market status quo, the contract design and delivery standards of dry pepper futures put forward suggestions, and expounded the relevant influence and significance, pointed out the futures companies and business department development opportunities and countermeasures.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-03-22 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/2/2022013

    Management Strategy of Community Public Facilities from the Perspective of Fairness Perception: A Single Case Study

    Nowadays, some communities’ infrastructure is usually destroyed, and this problem is always happening in some communities, so much this kind of problem needs to be solved. Based on the theory of fairness perception, this study constructs the evolution mechanism of the community infrastructure operation process and analyzes the cases. Based on the case analysis method, limited resources and business models, and property management affect the community's infrastructure. This study mainly investigates the infrastructure management of a community, to establish improvement methods. Also, this study is helpful to ad-just infrastructure management.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-03-22 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/2/2022014

    Three Main Tools for Luxury Brands to Strengthen Customers’ Perception of the Brand

    The paper is mainly focusing on examining strategies for firms in the luxury goods market to increase sales. In this paper, the 3 strategies: why logos play an essential role in this industry, why traditional luxury brands began collaborating with fashionable brands and why luxury brands pay high fees to celebrities to engage them as spokespersons, are illustrated. After elaborating on these strategies along with an empirical research and screenshots, the results show that one of the reasons why people are fond of buying luxury products is that logos represent a sense of superiority and may show the owners’ status; collaboration draws people's attention and increases purchase desire as a large number of people appreciate the combination of luxury and street fashion; star effect leads to many customers want to follow or imitate their idols so they are likely to purchase the clothes or items which their idols have worn.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-03-22 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/2/2023016

    Relationship Between Political News Using and Online Political Participation: Roles of Political Trust and Political Interest

    In order to explore the impact of political news use on college students' online political participation and its mechanism, this study conducted a questionnaire survey and data analysis on 420 college students. The results show that the political news using can positively predict college students' online political participation, and political trust mediates this relationship; The moderated mediation model shows that political interest moderates the relationship between the political news using and online political participation, that means, the higher the political interest, the stronger the impact of the political news using on online political participation.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-03-22 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/2/2023017

    Duopoly Game with Green Efficiency Based on Ecological Modernization Theory

    Since the birth of ecological modernization theory in 1982, the problem of enterprise benefit and environmental protection has entered the field of view of academia and industry. Ecological modernization theory discusses the influence of government policy intervention (subsidy or penalty) on enterprise green innovation and then explains the possibility of enterprise revenue and enterprise green coexistence. Firstly, this paper gives a simple explanation of the theory of ecological modernization and then establishes several simple duopoly game models through multiple hypotheses. Moreover, through comparative static analysis, it discusses the influence of government policies on enterprise carbon emissions and the influence of enterprise carbon emission decisions on enterprise green efficiency. The analysis shows that the government’s policy intervention can effectively reduce the carbon emissions of enterprises. Meanwhile, in the same market, a number of carbon emission enterprises will reduce their own carbon emission levels according to the carbon emission situation of oligopolies with carbon emission initiatives.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-03-22 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/2/2023018

    Economic Policy Uncertainty and Financial Innovation: Evidence from Commercial Bank in China

    The empirical results show that the rise of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) makes the level of financial innovation at banks significantly improve; that is, there is an incentive effect of EPU on financial innovation at banks. In addition, the degree of incentive-induced EPU for different types of banks is significantly different. Compared with listed banks, this incentive effect is more significant for non-listed banks; rural commercial banks are the most significant incentive, followed by urban commercial banks, and state-owned banks and joint-stock commercial banks are more robust. This shows that EPU has a “selective effect” on bank financial innovation. Moreover, the incentive effect of EPU on financial innovation activities is affected by the return on assets and the asset liquidity ratio of commercial banks, which further validates the “selective effect” of financial policy uncertainty on bank financial innovation.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-03-22 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/2/2023019

    Research on the Influence of Covid-19 on U.S. Oil Industry Based on Fama-French 5-Factor Model

    This article explores U.S. investors' investment decisions in the oil industry in response to three major events during the COVID-19 pandemic, which are the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the successful achievement of the Pfizer vaccine, and the end of the COVID-19 epidemic. The data, ranging from January 2019 to November 2022, is processed with Fama-French 5-factor model and the fitting results of the 5-factor model of these four periods of time are derived by multiple linear regression. The significance of each factor of the model will change due to different choices of investors, especially SMB, RMW and CMA. In different periods of the epidemic, investors will not pay attention to the market value, ROE and total asset growth rate of oil companies because of events that are not conducive to the oil industry, such as the US interest rate hike and the Russia-Ukraine war. In addition, investors will also refocus on these indicators when they hear news that is positive for the stock market, such as the successful development of Pfizer's vaccine or a cut in U.S. interest rates. By conducting comparisons and analyses, this article highlights the fluctuations in the stock market within the oil industry. The insights gained from this analysis can prove beneficial for both investors and government officials when formulating policies and making informed decisions.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-03-22 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/2/2023020

    How Mobile Games Keep You Charging Money?

    In recent years, China's game industry has experienced rapid development and with the support of relevant policies, the popularity and usage of games have increased year by year, so we need to understand how game developers operate behind the rapid growth of the game industry to make games No matter what the age group is, there will always be suitable games to make players of different ages enjoy the pleasure brought by virtual games and spend a lot of time and money on games no matter how old or young they are. , and have a deep understanding of the methods that game developers will use to obtain the identity that players are so addicted to that they can forget the real life they are in, and it is more likely that they will forget the study, work and life of real life. Know how game operators use players' mental state while playing games and meet the needs of players as much as possible, and then increase the supply of this demand in the game. Well, in the rapidly growing game industry, it must be a double-edged sword. There are advantages and disadvantages, so we need to gradually analyse what impact it will bring to people, so that people have a clear understanding of this, and in the future How the government needs to better manage and control, give full play to its advantages, and minimize the impact of its disadvantages, instead of directly prohibiting the development of this industry.

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