Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences

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  • Title

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Financial Technology and Business Analysis

    Conference Date






    978-1-83558-269-5 (Print)

    978-1-83558-270-1 (Online)

    Published Date



    Javier Cifuentes-Faura, University of Murcia


  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20230439

    Analyzing Geely's Acquisition of Volvo in Terms of Motivation, Risk and Competitive Markets

    In recent years, the global automobile industry continues to develop, and mergers and acquisitions between enterprises have become an important strategic means of the industry. Geely's acquisition of Volvo has become one of the focal points of the global auto industry. This paper examines the Geely acquisition of Volvo, analyzing its motivation of acquisition and strategic goal, financing, potential risk, competition, and achievement. The study found that Geely's acquisition of Volvo enhanced Geely's position in the global market, strengthened the competitiveness of Chinese automakers, and accelerated the development of its own brands. At the same time, Volvo also gained a broader market and resources from Geely's acquisition, which helped to enhance brand value and market share. The research offers empirical insights for the automotive industry, guiding decision-making and providing policy recommendations. Investors should monitor industry dynamics, while leaders should evaluate strategies and enhance cross-cultural management capabilities. Governments can support domestic firms' global competitiveness and promote industry sustainability. In summary, this paper contributes to the understanding of the Geely-Volvo acquisition and offers guidance for stakeholders.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20230513

    Research on the Marketing Strategy of Tik Tok

    The rise of TikTok has been followed by people all over the world, which has not only changed the traditional way of entertainment and consumption but also brought challenges to people to a certain extent. Research on TikTok has been increasing in recent years, with past studies mainly focusing on how it manages to market itself in the Chinese market to attract users. As well as how it associates the software with live streaming to sell goods. This paper studied the double-sided impact of TikTok’s marketing approach in China and internationally by reading academic articles from China and other countries. It can be concluded that people not only in China but also in the United States face the problem of spending too much time on TikTok. At the same time, TikTok content is also resisted by some people due to gaps in the vetting mechanism and differences in national religious beliefs. It has a detrimental effect on the marketing of TikTok companies.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20230581

    ESG Development Analysis on Renewable Energy Car Industry-Li Auto. Inc

    This paper briefly describes the meaning and impact of ESG, and what kind of effect and role it has had on the world and enterprises. After that, this thesis takes Li Auto Company as an instance to analyze the performance of this company in terms of environment, society and regulation. Use the data and measures of Li Auto in terms of environment, society and regulation to analyze the performance of Li Auto’s ESG. There is also an analysis based on the comparison of Li Auto’s 2021 and 2022 reports and the ESG performance of other renewable car companies in the same industry. In the research, it is found that the performance of Li Auto Company in terms of ESG is relatively upstream among its peers, based on Li Auto’s ESG report and ESG-risk rating. This paper will deepen people's understanding of the ESG development of Li Auto Company. Furthermore, the ESG research on Li Auto will serve as a recommendation and reference for the development of ESG for Li Auto and other car companies.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20230773

    Bank Customer Churn Prediction with Machine Learning Methods

    This paper examines and analyses customer churn prediction in the banking sector using the data from ABC Bank. The analysis conducted will document the determinants of bank customer churn and provide insights to the most important factors which influence the customers decision to quit utilizing the services of a bank. The investigation is based on the results of two machine learning algorithms with k-fold-cross-validation and same boosting methods. The result of the analysis reveals that out of logistic regression and random forests algorithms, the random forest methods show a higher accuracy score which corresponds with the literature review studied. Furthermore, the statistic of the research indicates that customer’s age has the highest association with the likelihood of customer churning, while whether the customer has a credit card at the bank has the lowest interconnection. The results of this research may provide valid explanations to customer churn in the banking sector and bring further intuitions of the advantages which machine learning methods may provide to future financial analysis.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20230902

    Analysis on the Challenges and Countermeasures of China’s Sharing Economy

    The sharing economy has attracted much attention in China in recent years. The sharing economy has significant development significance and good development prospects for China’s overall economic development. On the other hand, there are still many problems in the domestic sharing economy system, and continuous efforts should be made to promote the orderly and healthy development of the sharing economy. However, it cannot be ignored that China has perfected the existing defects of the sharing economy and promoted its use. It will surely inject great optimism into China’s economic development. The research theme of this article is to discover the challenges facing the development of China’s sharing economy and find strategies to deal with them. The research method of this paper is literature analysis, and the research conclusion of this paper is that the challenges faced by the domestic sharing economy are, respectively, an imperfect social system, a great conflict with the traditional economy, and a regulation of the sharing economy that needs to be improved. The corresponding strategies are: first, to improve China’s per capita quality level; second, to improve the social credit information system; and third, to improve the supervision system of the sharing economy.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20230943

    The Existence Phenomenon of Price Discrimination and Suggestions

    This paper analyzes the emergence, phenomenon and solution of price discrimination driven by The Times. This paper will analyze the two main categories of price discrimination: gender discrimination and big data killing. Among them, gender discrimination covers the discrimination suffered by women in the labor market and the pink tax, and big data killing includes price discrimination against consumers by taxi apps and housing apps. The purpose of this study is to draw out the problems of price discrimination, let the market pay attention to the problem and protect the rights and interests of consumers. The analysis found that women are often discriminated against based on gender in the workplace, and women pay a much higher price than men in the "pink tax" over their lifetime. At the same time, taxi-hailing software and housing software will take advantage of consumers' ignorance to discriminate in price according to their own conditions. It is hoped that the analysis of this paper can warn consumers of price discrimination, and attract the attention of authorities to protect the interests of the public. The article not only combines the survey of different audience groups, but also covers the results of experiments on the same subject and the experiences of people. According to the analysis, this paper suggests that consumers pay more attention to the market of goods before consumption and compare the prices of different platforms. The regulatory authorities can collect more public suggestions and check the price discrepancy, and target the crackdown.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231108

    Micro-Mechanism Analysis of Computer Industry Division of Labor Modularization Based on Supramarginal Models

    After the modularization of computer production technology in the last century, market value gradually dispersed from the integrated enterprise IBM, leading to a gradual transformation in the organizational structure of the industry. However, the implementation of technological modularization does not necessarily result in the modularization of industrial division of labor. This paper addresses the evolutionary problem of organizational modularization by constructing a supramarginal model and transforming it into a choice problem for division of labor structures. The modularization of product production technology provides a uniform standard for interfaces between various components of complex products, leading to positive transaction efficiency between module manufacturers and module integrators. As transaction efficiency improves, the production organizational structure shifts from integration to modularized division of labor. Based on this foundation, the paper analyzes the impact of industry modularized division of labor on individual welfare and market expansion.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231117

    Cooperation Strategy Between Large Agricultural Households and Farmers' Market Based on Evolutionary Game

    With the continuous development of China's agriculture, individual farmers are increasingly integrating into the supply chain of agricultural products, leading to the emergence of "large agricultural households" in the agricultural market. These large households monopolize the local market by purchasing agricultural products from individual farmers, thereby greatly influencing the diversity of product types and brand image in the agricultural market. In this study, we utilize evolutionary game theory to construct a model that explores the cooperative evolution between large agricultural households and agricultural markets under limited rationality. We analyze the evolutionary process of the cooperative strategies between the two parties and validate the game results through Matlab simulation. The findings reveal that the decision of whether or not large agricultural households cooperate with agricultural markets is affected by various factors, such as the benefits and costs associated with cooperation, as well as the potential losses resulting from non-cooperation. As a result, agricultural markets can implement measures, such as establishing effective information sharing and communication coordination mechanisms, and reducing cooperation costs with large agricultural households, to attract and retain them.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231206

    The Difficulties and Optimization of Marriage Matching: An Analysis in the Context of China’s Modern Economy

    This study delves into the use of matching theory in addressing the stable marriage problem, examining ways to optimize overall utility for both women and men across all stable matchings. The paper introduce the concept of energy, denoted by the ranking where a lower rank signifies higher priority, as a metric for individual satisfaction in a match. The primary objective is to identify a stable match that reduces the average energy expended by both genders. By emphasizing average energy, this study aims to pinpoint a stable match that optimally minimizes this metric. A variety of optimization algorithms and mathematical models are utilized to navigate the solution space and determine the best match. A comprehensive analysis of stable matchings, alongside their associated energies for men and women, unveils the inherent trade-offs and dilemmas stemming from individual preferences. The essence of stability is also explored, underscoring the imperative of balancing individual contentment with the durability of the match. The paper concludes by accentuating the necessity for continued research to bolster overall utility in stable matchings, encompassing the investigation of supplementary constraints and preferences.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231216

    Research on the Improvement of Aircraft Fuel Efficiency by Improving Engine Structures

    This essay focuses on what should be done to improve the efficiency of aircraft engines and the importance of this issue, such as saving resources and protecting the environment. It also mentions the existing engines they are usually used in which aircraft and what their maximum efficiency is. This article also mentioned what factors affect the fuel consumption of an aircraft engine in its operation, some online information is read about them, and in which cases the engine's efficiency is reduced. Recommendations or solutions are given for this, for example, by improving technology and inventing new energy sources to reduce consumption or by avoiding situations where designers can choose to do so. At the end of the article, a conclusion is given to summarise the significance of this article in terms of saving the use of fuel in aircraft. This will not only greatly save non-renewable resources but also protect the environment by reducing the production of more carbon dioxide to prevent the intensification of the greenhouse effect. In addition to the fact that many airlines spend an enormous amount of money on fuel each year, this would also save them a great deal of money to do other things to improve the quality of their services and promote the development of their airlines.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231228

    An Analysis of Marketing Strategy Exploration of Low-Alcohol Beverage Consumption in Guangdong China

    In recent years, the low-alcohol beverage industry in China has experienced a surge in investment. This study utilizes a questionnaire survey method to investigate the behavior of 601 college student consumers in Guangdong Province, China. Employing the Rank Sum Ratio (RSR) comprehensive evaluation method, the consumer group is classified into five categories based on their purchasing power. Statistical and machine learning methods are subsequently employed to analyze consumer preferences and habits related to appearance and ingredient taste. Furthermore, specific associated scenarios and other key factors are examined to analyze promotional strategies. Subsequently, market size is forecasted using a grey model. Finally, tailored marketing recommendations are provided for relevant businesses. It is worth noting that this study employs more quantitative mathematical methods to obtain data analysis conclusions that are more explanatory in nature.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231259

    Financial Statement Analysis of Expedia and TCO before and after COVID-19

    Due to the outbreak of the epidemic, the global economic situation has been greatly affected, among which the two most serious impacts are the fluctuations of the global financial market and the regression of the global tourism industry, whether it is the sharp decline of the stock market or the foreign exchange market, or the travel ban of many countries and the suspension of major airlines. All of these have led to severe turmoil in the global economy, so how to recover the economy has become a particularly critical global issue. In this paper, the financial statements of two well-known travel companies, Expedia and TCOM, are theoretically analyzed and calculated. It can be clearly seen that the post-epidemic economic recovery is remarkable when the epidemic is in progress, and the two companies are expected to reach the pre-epidemic peak point or even exceed the peak point in the next five years through discounted cash flow calculations.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231289

    Implementation of Bigdata Analysis in Consumer Behavior

    Nowadays, as the way of bigdata analysis become more and more diverse and specific, some people have already turned their eyes to the implementation of these analysis in consumer behavior. Since the markets are more competitive, it would save time and money that the companies produce what the consumers like. In addition, many markets exist for a long time and companies collect a plenty of consumers’ data, when they use bigdata analysis on the data collected, they can clear make accurate prediction about future products. In this study, we split the implementation of bigdata analysis in consumer behavior into several parts, including the history of the research, the specific analyzing methods, the realistic applications and limitations. In each part, we combine the facts and the understanding to write the analysis by the reference of some authoritative documentations. As a matter of fact, there are two significances of research, first is to have a comprehensive understanding of the current situation about topic from by-parts investigation; second is to have a future imagination based on both the advantages and disadvantages have now.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231297

    Research on the Marketing Strategies of Chinese Fragrance Brands

    This study takes a step forward by beginning with an in-depth evaluation of the ongoing trajectories and marketing approaches adopted by some prevailing domestic brands, such as To Summer and Documents. Subsequently, it synthesizes common marketing predicaments most Chinese brands face and formulates practical remedies to address these challenges. Adhering to this systematic framework aims to propel domestic brands’ growth and development within the fragrance market’s intricate landscape. The significance of this research lies in its contribution to the growth and development of domestic fragrance brands within the competitive market. By addressing challenges related to brand awareness, international expansion, and product quality, To Summer and Documents can enhance their domestic and international positions. Moreover, the insights provided here can serve as a foundation for broader discussions within the fragrance industry and offer valuable guidance for emerging brands striving to establish a robust market presence.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231308

    Research on Sustainable Development Strategy of Commercial Banks under the Background of Internet Finance

    In recent years, with the continuous development of social economy and the official arrival of the Internet era, Internet technology has penetrated into all fields of social economy, greatly changed people's way of production and life, and brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges for the development and innovation of all walks of life. At present, under the background of deepening financial innovation, the operation mode of Internet finance has been recognized by the majority of customers, but it also has a certain impact on the business of commercial banks. The survival and development of commercial banks are facing many challenges, forcing commercial banks to constantly change their operation mode to meet the needs of competitive development. Based on this, this paper starts with the concept and characteristics of Internet finance, analyzes the impact of the Internet on the operation of commercial banks, 2 and uses SWOT model to analyze the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of the transformation and development of commercial banks under the background of Internet finance, and finally puts forward the countermeasures for commercial banks to achieve sustainable development. The purpose of this paper is to promote the traditional commercial banks to find a way to coexist with Internet finance and provide customers with more distinctive financial services.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231310

    The Impact of Private Equity Investment on Technological Innovation in Enterprises: A Case Study of Bloomage Biotechnology

    Technological innovation serves as a crucial driving force for the development of enterprises, and the construction of a modern economic system relies heavily on continuous innovation. Private equity investment, with its unique characteristics, provides comprehensive support for enterprise innovation. Private equity firms not only contribute financial investment but also meet the deeper needs of enterprises through profound business cooperation and empowerment. Using Bloomage Biotechnology as a case study, this paper analyzes the impact of private equity investment on technological innovation in enterprises. The study delves into the analysis from the perspectives of research and development investment and innovation output, reaching the conclusion that private equity investment can provide stable capital support and abundant resource integration for enterprises. This effectively promotes the enterprises’ investment in research and development and innovation output, thereby enhancing their technological innovation capabilities.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231322

    Promotion by KOL and Acquaintances in Differentiated Products: By the Case of Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo, founded in 1889, is a Japanese company mainly engaged in the development of electronic game hardware and software and is the pioneer of the modern electronic game industry. Nintendo Corporation is headquartered in Kyoto City, Japan. Nintendo has sold more than 2 billion copies of its software worldwide, created some of the most famous characters in the history of gaming, such as Mario, and created some of the most classic games in the history of gaming, such as The Legend of Zelda.According to Pu Yamauchi, the head of the game department, it is known that Nintendo strives to be a paradise for game artists. Nintendo believes that people who develop great games should be artists, not technicians, and therefore should be given enough freedom. That's why the Switch is so innovative today. This paper mainly focuses on the analysis of Nintendo's customer characteristics and product characteristics and puts forward corresponding marketing strategies and cures.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231323

    Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain-Taking Wal-Mart as an Example

    Nowadays, people are more concerned about the origin and traceability of the products in their daily lives. As China is a major food safety country. We will use FOOD as an example to launch our research on the application of blockchain in the supply chain.There are two problems that appears in the food : one is The origin of food,the other one is The problem of manufacturing and sales data tampered. Blockchain is suitable for the supply chain requirement.Take Walmart China as an example. The platform uses blockchain technology to create a 'source-to-shelf' model that tracks food as it moves through the supply chain. It will allow Walmart to seamlessly deploy its trackable strategy and use this distributed technology at scale.Actually, Walmart is not the first company to take action.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231361

    Avoiding Audit Failures - A Case Study of Xintai Financial

    In recent years, financial fraud cases have been on the rise, with a combination of subjective reasons within companies and audit failures caused by negligence on the part of accounting firms. This paper examines the case of audit failure at Xintai Financial to understand how companies engage in financial fraud through illegal means, manipulate financial statements, and highlights the shortcomings of Beijing Xinghua Accounting Firm in their work, which contributed to the success of Xintai Financial’s financial fraud. In conclusion, three insights are drawn to provide lessons for the future on how to prevent audit fraud effectively.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-01-08 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/69/20231365

    Mechanism and Hints Behind the Anchoring Effect in Sales, Auction, and Willingness to Pay

    The anchoring effect, a cognitive bias, has substantial implications in various fields, including behavioural economics. It influences individuals' assessments and choices by anchoring them to specific initial values and causing insufficient adjustments. This article explores the anchoring effect's mechanisms and its impact on B2B sales, auctions, and willingness to pay. It also offers guidance for business owners, price-setters, and auctioneers to leverage the anchoring effect to their advantage. In B2B sales, results indicate that when salespeople are informed of higher reference discounts, they tend to offer significantly higher discounts to new customers, which leads to conservatism and cause a systematic distortion in various economic contexts. This demonstrates the positive impact of reference discounts on pricing decisions, driven by a tendency to avoid risk. Auction item sequences influencing bidding outcomes. Auctions featuring more valuable items first yield higher revenues, as buyers anchor their expectations to the initial prices. Sellers can strategically position items to maximize profits, particularly when the initial auction prices are set lower than market expectations. Studies also reveal that Lower anchoring prices may decrease willingness to pay (WTP) while higher initial reference points can lead to higher WTP. Additionally, the use of "up to" in advertising discounts can positively affect WTP due to an asymmetry effect.

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