Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences

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  • Title

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Management Research and Economic Development

    Conference Date






    978-1-83558-433-0 (Print)

    978-1-83558-434-7 (Online)

    Published Date



    Canh Thien Dang, King's College London


  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240768

    The Analysis of the Impact of "Concert Craze" on Urban Development from the Perspective of Event Marketing

    With the lifting of epidemic prevention policies in 2022, cultural and recreational activities have recovered. The large-scale concerts are held one after another. In daily life, there is a phenomenon showing that a certain city receives widespread attention on social media because a concert, or the arrival of a singer in a certain city triggers star-chasing among local fans. The economic value of these singers is so high that they can attract a large number of consumers in a short period. So, as a concert venue, promoting local culture and tourist attractions during the concert can not only revitalize the local tourism economy but also increase the popularity of the city itself. How to properly and successfully utilize these hot events. How should the local government and media publicize correctly? In this context, event marketing is an effective concert marketing solution. Event marketing is based on highly popular events and takes advantage of the high efficiency of news to achieve the purpose of viral marketing.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240769

    The Significance and Implementation Methods of Sustainable Marketing: A Case Study of Procter & Gamble

    The necessity of protecting the environment is clear due to the escalating worldwide environmental problems and the growing environmental consciousness among consumers, making it a vital topic of discussion for humanity. Businesses should strive to achieve maximum economic benefits while also taking into account environmental considerations to ensure a sustainable and optimal solution that benefits both the economy and the environment. Sustainable marketing has evolved as a new concept to assist firms in their operations. This paper examines the importance and strategies for sustainable marketing through methods of literature analysis and case study, such as Procter & Gamble. This study concludes that sustainable marketing benefits organizations by improving their brand image, increasing consumer loyalty, and steering their development towards more ecologically responsible practices. Sustainable marketing has problems such as significant expenditure and uncertain returns on benefits. Thus, organizations should assess themselves before developing precise sustainable marketing strategy. The primary contribution of sustainable marketing is to enhance firm economic benefits while also significantly contributing to environmental conservation.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240770

    "Old Wine in a New Bottle" -- A Study on Consumer Acceptance of "Blind Leftovers Box"

    The blind box of leftovers is an innovative catering marketing model. In recent years, this marketing model has been regarded as an effective measure to reduce food waste in Chinese cities and relieve the operating pressure of catering enterprises. This study uses the literature review method to search and sort out the practical experience of some enterprises in the blind leftover box business and reports on the blind leftover box; Then the questionnaire survey method is adopted to explore whether consumers accept the blind leftovers box. The purpose is to investigate the acceptance degree of consumers to the blind leftovers box and the factors affecting the acceptance degree and provide feasible suggestions for catering enterprises to adjust the relevant product marketing strategy in the future. Based on the results of the questionnaire survey, it is found that consumers who accept the blind leftover box generally think that the blind leftover box has the advantages of the novel form, high-cost performance, and food saving. Consumers who reject the blind leftover box are concerned about the reasonable value and food safety of the blind leftover box. The research shows that relevant catering enterprises should strengthen the publicity of blind leftover boxes, and carry out differentiated marketing for people of different ages and different consumption levels.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240771

    Exploring the Trends and Reasons for Chinese Mainland Consumers' Extra Consumption of Western Festivals —Take Christmas in Shanghai as an Example

    This study focuses on the consumption patterns of Chinese mainland consumers during Western festivals, using the Christmas shopping habits of Shanghai residents as a case study. The aim is to explore the impact of Western festivals on consumer spending trends and habits and identify the factors driving these changes. Drawing on a comprehensive review of relevant literature and employing a questionnaire analysis method, the findings reveal that some Shanghai consumers significantly increase their spending in comparison to everyday life during Western holidays, exemplified by Christmas. However, a considerable number of consumers choose to allocate minimal or no funds for expenditures during the holiday season, with no significant difference between the two groups. Consumers are more willing to allocate their funds towards cultural products, including holiday-related items. In the context of cultural exchange, the influence of new cultural elements and commercial marketing strategies play a crucial role in shaping the consumption trends associated with Christmas.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240772

    Impaction of Artificial Intelligence on the Labor Market

    This paper examines the impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the labor market, specifically highlighting job displacement and the consequential effects of AI technologies. It analyzes the decline in job opportunities due to the emergence of automated technologies and the challenges faced by workers as a result. With AI becoming increasingly adept at basic programming and analysis, some tasks such as bank teller, drawer, factory worker, and cashier are no longer suitable for humans due to the relatively high efficiency of AI. People should take roles that require emotional support, creativity, and uniquely human capabilities. These roles will show intuition, wisdom, empathy, creativity, and social sensitivity. The paper underscores the development of artificial intelligence and emphasizes the importance of cultivating creative skills that can be utilized with AI rather than competing against it and talks about the impact on the students’ prospects which leads them to make different choices on their future.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240775

    Portfolio Management of Consumer Industry Based on Index Model

    This paper explores the application of the index model in portfolio analysis, highlighting its significance in both macro and security analysis for the optimization of portfolios. Utilizing data spanning from October 2018 to November 2023, the study draws several key conclusions. Firstly, it identifies the optional consumption industry as particularly susceptible to market fluctuations, exhibiting higher sensitivity compared to the daily consumption industry. Secondly, an active portfolio comprising Costco, Walmart, Lululemon, and Under Armour, alongside short positions in risk-free securities, yields the optimal portfolio with a maximized Sharpe ratio. However, the study acknowledges limitations, notably the relatively small sample size and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which introduces extreme risks and potential errors in the analysis. Future research directions include modifying the index model to incorporate volatility adjustments and exploring multi-factor investment models to mitigate errors and enhance portfolio efficiency. This study underscores the importance of continuous refinement and adaptation of analytical frameworks in portfolio management amidst dynamic market conditions.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240776

    A Study of the Impact of Monetary Policies on Financial Crisis

    Monetary policy stands as a pivotal instrument for macroeconomic management, pivotal in stabilizing economies, fostering growth, and mitigating inflationary pressures. In the wake of global financial upheavals, the efficacy and adaptability of monetary policy have garnered heightened scrutiny. The United States, boasting the world's largest economy, and the Federal Reserve, a stalwart among central banks, wield profound influence on global financial dynamics via their policy decisions. Each action taken by the Federal Reserve reverberates across borders, profoundly impacting numerous nations. Amidst global financial turmoil, the Federal Reserve's role assumes paramount significance. These crises inflict profound repercussions on both national economies and individual livelihoods. This paper endeavors to delve into the historical influence of United States monetary policy and the Federal Reserve on global financial crises, scrutinizing their interventions and assessing their efficacy. By tracing their impact across different epochs, this study aims to provide insights into the mechanisms through which monetary policy shapes the trajectory of global financial crises, shedding light on avenues for improvement and resilience-building measures.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240780

    Analysis of the Tesla’s Sustainable Supply Chain Management

    Tesla, a prominent company in electric vehicles and renewable energy technology, prioritizes environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and economic rewards in its supply chain management alongside cost and efficiency. The paper uncovers Tesla's methods in resource usage and conservation, environmental impact assessment, social responsibility management, and economic benefit management through literature analysis and case analysis. The study determined that Tesla has made notable advancements in environmental performance throughout its supply chain by implementing innovative technologies and management strategies, including battery technology improvements, automated production processes, supplier responsibility evaluations, and life cycle assessments (LCA). Tesla encounters obstacles including worldwide chip shortages and variations in raw material costs, affecting the stability and efficiency of its supply chain. The paper suggests that governments, enterprises, and industries collaborate to enhance supply chain sustainability. This can be achieved by implementing policies, fostering technological innovation, and utilizing sharing platforms to support the global sustainable development goals.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240781

    Marketing Strategy Innovation: A Study on Costa's Brand Power Enhancement in China

    With the development of the times, Chinese people's demand for coffee has increased, which also makes the coffee industry develop rapidly. Tens of thousands of coffee shops are increasing their number every day. However, there is one coffee shop that is gradually disappearing from the Chinese landscape: COSTA. The purpose of this study is to take COSTA as an example to study the characteristics of the development trend of the coffee industry. This study analyzes the reasons behind the large reduction in the number of COSTA stores in China from the perspective of marketing management strategies, and further studies are divided into marketing and product sectors. This study concludes that the reason for the decrease in the number of COSTA stores is the lack of innovative and trendy taste designs and the adjustment of localized taste habits. The environment of offline stores does not have a local festival atmosphere and diversified service provision. At the same time, this study also puts forward suggestions for COSTA's future development, such as adjusting brand taste, localization of product design, and innovation based on hot topics in China. The study hopes to provide references for COSTA and other coffee shops in the same industry.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240782

    Long-term Impact of Chinese Family Businesses on Earnings Management under the Sustainable Business Concept

    This study aims to delve into the long-term impact of Chinese family businesses on earnings management under the framework of sustainable business practices. Considering the significant role of family businesses in the global economy, this paper focuses on the criticality of their earnings management strategies to economic stability. Employing an in-depth case study methodology, the paper analyzes several successful family businesses to explore the practical implications of sustainable business models on earnings management. The research reveals that integrating the concept of sustainable business into corporate culture and orienting towards long-term development can balance short-term gains with long-term sustainability, thereby fostering the robust growth of the enterprise. The conclusions of this paper emphasize the need for family businesses to concentrate on collective efforts in areas such as social responsibility, innovation upgrading, transparency, and effective communication to achieve long-term and stable development. This study provides practical guidelines for sustainable business strategies tailored for Chinese family businesses, aiming to create more favorable conditions and establish a solid foundation for future long-term development.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240784

    Big Data Revolution in Finance: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Trends

    In today’s digital era, big data has emerged as one of the most exciting and potentially transformative technological innovations in the financial sector. Its rise has not only altered our understanding of financial markets and institutions but also presented unprecedented opportunities and challenges to the financial industry. As financial transactions, customer interactions, and market behaviors continue to digitize, financial institutions are actively exploring how to harness the power of big data to gain a competitive edge and enhance decision-making. This paper delves into the significance of big data in the financial sector and effective development strategies, analyzing its real-world impact on the industry. It aims to provide valuable insights to financial practitioners, decision-makers, and researchers on how to leverage big data to achieve financial objectives.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240786

    Forecast of the Fuyao Group’s Share Certificate

    The article forecasts the price of share certificate of the Fuyao glass Industry Group Co., Ltd. As the Fuyao glass Industry Group Co., Ltd is the largest company in China that produces automotive glass and it has developed rapidly in recent times, it is meaningful to research its shock certificate and it will also be helpful for studying the trend of the entire industry. Both naïve model and the ARIMA model could forecast the price of the Fuyao’s share certificate well and have a low residual. The two models suggest that the price of the shock certificate will keep stable in 2024 and will maintain around 39 yuan per share. There is a 95 percent chance that the price will stay between 58 yuan and 19 yuan in Dec 2024. The chance that the price will stay between 51 yuan and 26 yuan in Dec 2024 will be 80 percent. This means that the company's development will become stable in 2024.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240788

    Portfolio Validity Test in the Chinese Market

    Modern portfolio theory is one of the most classic theories in financial investment theory. It was first released by a famous economist, Markowitz. As the most important critical model in investment science, it provides investors with scientific investment allocation methods, which are favored by many investors. It has been widely used and researched in the world. Modern portfolio theory analyses the historical returns of investment objects and guides future investment behavior. However, it is still controversial whether this theory is reasonable and adequate in China’s stock market. China's stock market is more susceptible to fluctuations than those in Europe and the US, and many of these factors stem from China's strategic policies in various areas. Since the end of the epidemic, China's economic development has also slowed down. In this context, this paper will construct the maximum Sharpe ratio strategy, market capitalization strategy, and average weight strategy. Through the performance evaluation indexes of these three strategies' performance comparison, this paper will verify whether the portfolio strategy is real and effective in China's stock market and can bring more than significant market returns to investors.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240793

    A Company Analysis of D.R. Horton, Inc. Based on the Internal and External Environment

    Since its listing in 1992, Horton Company has enjoyed enviable advantages and opportunities, including a wide audience reach, clear development direction, and a strong market presence. The company's senior management's visionary leadership has steered it away from bankruptcy, leading to increased net profits. However, amidst these successes, there are inherent high-risk factors, such as the development of consortium houses and reliance on outsourcing for production, which may lead to potential pitfalls. This paper examines Horton Company's current standing and proposes strategic measures to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities. Despite these achievements, Horton Company faces inherent high-risk factors, such as the development of consortium houses and reliance on outsourcing for production, which may pose potential pitfalls. Recommendations include diversifying inventory to reduce exposure to market fluctuations, launching targeted promotional activities to stimulate demand, and conducting localized market research to tailor offerings to local preferences. By implementing these strategies, Horton Company can navigate uncertainties, leverage its strengths, and ensure sustainable growth in the dynamic real estate industry.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240794

    A Comparative Analysis of Cosmetics Companies

    This paper focuses on three cosmetics companies: Coty, Johnson & Johnson, and Estee Lauder. First of all, we collected some questionnaire survey data, in 2021, 68% of respondents believe that the price of beauty products is more important, 56% of respondents believe that appearance is first, and only 8% are strongly influenced by advertising. Therefore, we believe that the influence of advertising is declining, and the quality of the product itself and the comprehensive competitiveness of the enterprise are becoming more important. Then we learned more about the background and history of the three companies. We then analyze each company's raw material issues, which can reflect each company's target market, operations and business risks. In addition, we analyzed pricing, which can reflect the target product market and product depth of different makeup companies. Not only that, the company's business orientation and forward-looking is also what we need to understand. Finally, after synthesizing the above analysis, we believe that Coty's business risk is the largest, and the other two are not different.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240796

    Duties of Board in Maximizing Shareholder Value During Acquisitions: A Comparative Analysis Between UK, US and China

    Focusing on the legal and strategic frameworks in China, the United States (especially Delaware), and the United Kingdom, this paper provides a comparative analysis of the roles and responsibilities of corporate boards in maximizing shareholder value in the acquisition process. It explores the varied legal frameworks to set board responsibilities, the strategic roles of boards in decision-making, and the challenges in balancing the interests of boards and shareholders. This paper further discusses the importance of conflicts of interest between boards and shareholders, transparent communication, and ethical standards, and how these factors affect the realization of value in acquisition decisions. It highlights regional case studies to illustrate the practical application of these principles in different legal and cultural contexts, emphasizing the need for boards to navigate complex regulatory landscapes and shareholder expectations to drive successful acquisition outcomes. This entails adopting practices like enhanced due diligence, independent oversight, and transparent communication to navigate the complexities of global corporate governance effectively.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240797

    The Application of the Metaverse in the Entertainment Industry and Its Commercial Value

    Nowadays, people are yearning for new recreations to enrich their lives, and in this context, various technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) are developing rapidly. By now, some entertainment companies have created virtual idols or characters in the “metaverse”, a new concept referring to a virtual shared space, in order to attract the public’s attention, satisfy their changing needs in the fast-developing society, and get higher profits. This new concept has become popular around the globe, leading to massive imitation from other companies. This paper introduces the definition and typical examples of the metaverse, summarizes its application in the entertainment industry, and analyzes its commercial value as well as future development trends. Overall, virtual idols launched by entertainment companies in the metaverse have achieved great success, proving the commercial value and development potential of the metaverse. Meanwhile, the innovation of the metaverse not only labels the advances in science and technology but also reflects people’s pursuit of higher life quality as well as their rising expectations for the future.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240798

    Research on the Development Strategy of Chinese Second-Dimensional Mobile Games - A Case Study Based on Genshin Impact

    With the rapid development of technology and the continuous growth of people's entertainment needs, second-dimensional mobile games have become an undeniable force in the global gaming market, with limitless prospects and business opportunities. However, to stand out in this fiercely competitive market, it is still necessary to carefully explore the development strategies and make judgments and decisions that fit the times. This paper takes the development of Genshin Impact, a leading Chinese second-dimensional game, as a specific case, and uses the SWOT analysis method to explore its advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and threats in development, thereby studying the current state of the second-dimensional mobile gaming industry. The research results show that Genshin Impact has the advantages of a large second-dimensional user base with strong spending power and significant resource investment by its developer, miHoYo; but also faces the disadvantage of a significant reduction in player numbers; at the same time, it encounters opportunities with the increase in residents' income and the rapid development of cloud gaming platforms; as well as threats from intense market competition and strict game regulatory policies in China. Furthermore, based on the results of the SWOT analysis, this paper provides suggestions for strengthening innovation and cooperation, increasing game publicity efforts, improving regulatory response capabilities, and expanding revenue channels, pointing the way for the future development of Genshin Impact and the second-dimensional mobile gaming industry.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240799

    Portfolio of Four Pieces of Analysis Using Operations Management Concepts—Taking Next as an Example

    Fast fashion is a highly efficient and cost-effective approach to designing and producing apparel that has significant implications for managing operations. The paper focuses on operational management within the fast fashion industry, specifically Next plc. Several models, such as the 4Vs, have been utilized to analyze operational management. The paper examines Next's processes, operations hierarchy, layout, and capacity management using a literature review and analysis method. For optimal performance, businesses in the fast fashion industry should explore the benefits of self-service transaction options, smart personnel allocation during peak demand periods, and streamlined point-of-sale systems. These measures can greatly enhance efficiency and customer service. RFID technology has the potential to enhance operational management, especially in supply chain and inventory management. RFID technology has the potential to bring significant benefits to the industrial sector. By enabling real-time asset tracking, optimizing asset use, streamlining inventory management, and strengthening quality control, it can help reduce costs, improve efficiency, and increase profits.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/84/20240801

    Stock Price Analysis and Forecasting of Bank of China Based on ARIMA Model

    The stock market is of great importance to the development of the national economy. The price changes of bank stocks have an important impact on the whole stock market. Therefore, it is of practical value to model the changes in bank stock prices and forecast the future trends. Currently, there is a limited number of studies examining the utilization of the ARIMA model in forecasting stock prices. It is crucial to investigate its level of accuracy. This study employs the ARIMA model to conduct an empirical analysis on the time series data of Bank of China's opening price from January 1st, 2024, to January 31st, 2024. The objective is to predict the stock price for the subsequent 28 days and compare it with actual values. The findings reveal that short-term stock price predictions based on the ARIMA model exhibit a high degree of precision. In conclusion, the ARIMA model can offer valuable insights and serve as a theoretical foundation for investors and decision-makers to some extent. This paper will provide reference for the subsequent research on stock price forecasting and ARIMA model, and fill the existing research gaps.

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