Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences

- The Open Access Proceedings Series for Conferences

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Volume Info.

  • Title

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Management Research and Economic Development

    Conference Date






    978-1-83558-431-6 (Print)

    978-1-83558-432-3 (Online)

    Published Date



    Canh Thien Dang, King's College London


  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240708

    The Reasons on Rapid Recovery of Shanghai Disneyland

    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted many industries, and Disney theme parks were among the hardest hit, suffering significant losses. However, as the pandemic gradually subsided, Shanghai Disneyland, being the first Disney theme park to reopen, experienced a much faster recovery than other Disney theme parks. The purpose of this study was to explore why Shanghai Disneyland was able to recover quickly and what strategies it adopted. This article combines marketing mix theory with operational data and visitor flow statistics from Shanghai Disneyland to analyze the reasons for its rapid recovery. Firstly, Shanghai Disneyland accelerated its recovery by increasing prices, and it can also mitigate risks in the future by implementing advanced ticket sales. Secondly, the park increased ticket sales through various distribution channels and can further improve by refining its ticket refund and exchange policy. Lastly, Shanghai Disneyland enhanced its promotion through various social media channels and can apply this to disseminate everyday knowledge and prevent the risk of pandemic recurrence. This study's analysis of Shanghai Disneyland's swift recovery can provide suggestions and references for the recovery and development of theme parks facing similar pandemic issues in the future, helping to minimize losses.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240709

    Analysis of Li Auto's Marketing Strategy Based on Marketing Mix Theory

    This paper analyzes Li Auto's marketing strategy through marketing mix theory, including links to its products and publicity concepts, a unique selection of additional electric vehicles, optimization of product quality and product series, an extensive direct sales network and major cities, the establishment of service centers in the region, etc. The paper suggests that Li Auto should strengthen advertising operations on the we-media platform and, at the same time, adhere to the combination of online and offline marketing methods, strengthen scientific and technological investigation and development, and continuously launch safer, more comfortable, and more convenient products according to the demands of users. In addition, the direct sales network should be expanded to improve the quality of after-sales service. The paper also makes an in-depth analysis of the market development trend of Li Auto and provides an important reference case for enterprise strategic choice. However, the paper has insufficient analysis of Li Auto's pricing strategy. In the future, Li Auto's price strategy will be discussed in more depth, including its pricing strategy, price adjustment strategy, and price matching with market demand, to evaluate its competitiveness and market performance more comprehensively.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240710

    Diversified Mechanisms of Dispute Resolution for China's Foreign-Related Intellectual Property Right

    China's increased competition with industrialised countries in terms of technological innovation during its current development transition has led to an increased demand for its intellectual property resources. At the same time, globalisation has further highlighted the inevitability of China facing foreign-related intellectual property challenges, prompting a focus on resolving such disputes. However, managing intellectual property right litigation relating to other countries remains difficult due to the unique types of foreign-related intellectual property right cases and the intricacies of applying national laws. In order to improve China's intellectual property dispute resolution framework and make it more effective and fairer, this paper will propose the shortcomings of the current litigation procedures through the case analysis and data analysis, and confirm that the flexible and reasonable use of diversified dispute resolution mechanisms will help China better deal with foreign-related intellectual property issues. While advocating a diversified dispute resolution framework for China's foreign-related intellectual property rights, it also provides possible suggestions for its construction.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240711

    Study of the Impact of Fairness Concern on Low Carbon Dual Channel Supply Chain

    A supplier-dominated secondary low-carbon dual channel supply chain is used as the object of study, and the expected demand function is constructed when the seller has the advantage of market information in the information asymmetry situation, in order to explore the impact of fairness concern on supply chain decision making. The utility functions in the three scenarios were analyzed and compared, and mathematical simulations were conducted according to market demand information available to the seller and the effort input of decision-making subject. Studies have shown that: Whichever decision-making subject has the fairness concern behavior does not affect the supplier as a higher profit maker; information on market demand also needs to be taken into account when considering the impact of the level of fairness concern on profits of the decision maker. When suppliers misjudge market demand, wholesale price increases are slowed if sellers have equity concerns, and sellers may engage in retaliatory behavior if equity demands are not met. In addition, low carbon demand is profitable for suppliers in supplier-led supply chains regardless of market demand, and low carbon sales efforts are not necessarily profitable for retailers.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240713

    Legal Issues in the European Union’s Anti-Cross Border Subsidy Measures: A Study

    This article provides a panoramic overview of the "Foreign Subsidies Regulation" that passed on June 30, 2022 and officially took effect throughout the European Union on July 13, 2023. It conducts a deep analysis of the Foreign Subsidies Regulation through the background analysis and discusses why is the Foreign Subsidies Regulation made. Then the basic provisions of the Foreign Subsidies Regulations are discussed in detail from the aspects of the definition of foreign subsidies, distortive effects, review procedures of foreign subsidies, and implementing agencies. In future, most of the non-EU companies doing business in Europe could be subject to the European Commission's new rules on foreign subsidies. Then this article provides an objective analysis of access for companies investing in Europe. By discussing the possible influence, this article identifies strategies for non-EU countries' companies investing in Europe from four aspects:compliance management, corporate mergers and acquisitions and investment, public procurement and corporate financing. Hope the suggestions in this article can be helpful.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240714

    Research on Tax Avoidance of Multinational Corporations in China

    This article primarily focuses on the tax avoidance practices employed by multinational corporations. Firstly, it provides a comprehensive definition of tax avoidance behavior exhibited by these corporations and specifically highlights how such actions contravene the stipulations of tax laws. Subsequently, it delves into an analysis of commonly utilized tax avoidance methods by multinational companies, supported by real-life case studies. Finally, it examines the detrimental impact caused by the tax avoidance practices adopted by these corporations.In the latter part, in view of China's current laws, regulations and tax administrative enforcement problems on the issue of tax avoidance by multinational corporations, it puts forward suggestions on improving relevant laws and promulgating relevant legal interpretations.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240715

    International Experience and Reference of China's Financial Regulatory System Reform

    Since the 1970s, in order to reduce financial risks in the context of fast-paced growing financial industry, China has been implementing reforms to its financial regulatory structure. In 2023, the State Administration for Financial Supervision and Administration was officially established, bringing China closer to mixed industry regulation. Currently, there are multiple types of financial regulation on a global scale, including segmented regulation, single regulation, functional regulation, and bimodal regulation. Given the rapid development of China's financial market, it is imperative to draw on better international expertise, innovate domestic regulatory framework, and persist pursuing bimodal regulatory mode under the mixed industry background. By implementing the bimodal regulation of macro prudential regulation and micro behavioral regulation, China is managing to control financial risks, protect investors’ lawful rights and interests, and foster the long-term and stable expansion of China's financial industry

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240716

    The Practice and Future Development of Chinese Multinational Corporations in Relation to the Responsibility to Protect Human Rights

    With the growing number of Chinese multinational corporations(MNCs) investing in foreign countries,fulfilling MNCs’ responsibility to protect human rights outside of China has become an urgent issue that needs to be addressed. Focusing on Chinese MNCs and analyzing their practices in human rights protection,discussing how Chinese MNCs can respect and safeguard local human rights while also considering their corporate interests and domestic regulations when investing overseas. Exploring ways to improve MNCs’ awareness and capacity for human rights protection,and offering suggestions for future development. Chinese MNCs must actively fulfill their responsibility to human rights during the process of overseas investment, and strive for common development between enterprises and local communities by enhancing internal management systems, strengthening cooperation with international organizations, and raising awareness of human rights protection. Moreover, analyzing the practices of Chinese MNCs from an empirical perspective, identifying existing problems and suggesting corresponding improvement. By examining relevant cases, it delves into the human rights protection responsibilities of Chinese MNCs in overseas investment and provides valuable insights for Chinese MNCs' cross-border investments.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240717

    Legal Adaptability: Analyzing the Impact of China's 2023 Corporate Law on International Corporate Governance

    Exploring the significant evolution of corporate law in China, with a focus on the landmark 2023 Corporate Law amendment, set against the backdrop of the nation's expanding role in global commerce. Analyzing the implications of these legal reforms on corporate governance and transparency, particularly for multinational corporations operating within China, the world's second-largest economy. Building on the foundational reforms of 2014, which marked a shift towards international standards and economic modernization, the 2023 amendment is examined as a continuation and enhancement of these earlier changes. By utilizing case study and normative analysis methods, this analysis systematically explores the enhancements made to the registered capital subscription system, improvements in the corporate governance structure, and the introduction of stronger mechanisms for worker democratic management resulting from the 2023 reforms. These amendments are a response to the growing demand for legal frameworks that are more aligned with international market requirements. Aiming to improve legal flexibility, protect shareholder rights, and enhance the quality of information disclosure. The conclusion of the research emphasizes how the 2023 amendments have reinforced the effectiveness of the 2014 reforms and contributed to creating a strong legal environment that supports sustainable growth and global competitiveness for Chinese corporations.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240718

    Parent-Subsidiary Responsibility in the Development of Multinational Enterprises

    As a core subject in the current international market economic activities, the parent-subsidiary company not only plays an important role in the development of multinational enterprises themselves, but also plays an important role in the bonding of cooperation between countries. However, the limitations of the traditional corporate law governance model, especially the limited nature of liability, make multinational corporations in the actual operation of many problems. Among them, the issue of responsibility sharing between parent and subsidiary companies is still one of the core issues that need to be continuously focused on at this stage, because the assumption of responsibility by parent and subsidiary companies not only has an important impact on the development of the international market economy, but also pays direct attention to the acquisition of creditor's interests. Through comparative research, historical research, and other research methods, the issue of responsibility-sharing among parent-subsidiary companies of multinational enterprises will be studied. The role of the corporate veil piercing system in responsibility-sharing will be analyzed based on domestic and foreign legislation and judicial experience. The aim is to identify a responsibility-sharing approach that promotes the development of multinational enterprises while safeguarding the interests of creditors.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240720

    Application of Machine Learning Models in Asset Allocation

    This study embarks on an exploration of machine learning (ML) models in forecasting the trends of stock indices, with a specific focus on different industries within the Chinese market. Moving beyond the confines of traditional linear regression and standard multi-factor approaches, our research adopts a multi-dimensional analytical framework to decode the complex relationships between various factors and the future returns of industry-specific Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) in China. The paper innovatively applies both linear and nonlinear ML models to predict directional shifts in ETF returns, a domain not extensively studied previously. We conduct a thorough comparative analysis of these models, assessing their predictive prowess and dissecting the influence of diverse factors on different industry sectors. This investigation reveals distinct patterns and factor sensitivities unique to each sector, offering new insights into their dynamics. The results are pivotal for asset allocation and investment strategies, as they highlight the nuanced role of ML in financial forecasting. By bridging the gap between traditional financial models and advanced ML techniques, our study presents a novel perspective that enriches the strategic planning in financial markets, especially in the context of the rapidly evolving Chinese economy.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240721

    Research on RMB Depreciation and Its Impact on Chinese Corporate and Society

    Raising interest rates by the Federal Reserve forces global capital flows to the US market, which in turn causes other countries’ economic growth to slow or currency to depreciate. China has been inevitably affected by the Fed’s higher interest rates, which have led to the devaluation of the RMB and have had a negative impact on the normal operation of Chinese corporations and society. Therefore, this paper analyzes the impact of RMB depreciation caused by the Federal Reserve interest rate hike on China through literature review and case analysis. Through research, the Federal Reserve adopted the policy of interest rate increases to force the Chinese government to tighten its internal monetary policy while continuing to promote the internationalization of the RMB, which in turn caused the depreciation of the RMB. Export-oriented enterprises can avoid interest rate risk caused by RMB depreciation through financial means, and the overall advantages outweigh the disadvantages. However, the depreciation of the RMB has increased the costs of cross-border e-commerce, Chinese tourists traveling overseas, and studying abroad, and the overall disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240722

    An Analysis of the Development of Investment Banks' IPO Business under the Registered System

    Under the reformed registration system, the role of investment banks in the Initial Public Offering (IPO) business has evolved significantly from the approval system. As crucial "gatekeepers" of the capital market, these banks now bear the responsibility of thoroughly examining issuance application materials for truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness. While the IPO business promises a prosperous future for investment banks, it also presents considerable challenges. Some banks face issues such as insufficient adherence to prudent examination requirements, lax establishment or implementation of internal control systems, and the need for improved information management. To enhance their sponsorship business, it is recommended that investment banks optimize talent training, internal management control, risk management, and intelligent information system construction. Cultivating professional sponsorship talents with comprehensive skills, reinforcing ethical standards, and conducting thorough reviews of IPO companies are crucial. Furthermore, optimizing the management system, establishing effective communication mechanisms, and enhancing risk management capabilities are essential steps. Leveraging advancements in computer technology, the construction of a secure and reliable intelligent information system is advised. As the reform progresses, investment banks should bolster international exchanges, cooperation, and professional competitiveness to evolve into reputable international brand banks.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240723

    Factors Influencing the Unsuccessful IPO Attempts: A Case Study of Bama Tea

    This study delves into the comprehensive rules introduced by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in February 17, 2023, pertaining to the implementation of the stock issuance registration system, a key element of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee's initiatives to fortify capital market functionality. The research focuses on the case of Bama Tea Company, scrutinizing its three unsuccessful attempts at an initial public offering (IPO) within a decade. A multifaceted analysis is presented, encompassing regulatory compliance, operational intricacies, and financial considerations. Operational challenges include the absence of standardized production leading to fluctuating product quality, as well as the company's response to regulatory complaints. Financial hindrances encompass inadequate profitability, meager research and development investments, and high inventory levels impeding effective capital turnover. The findings underscore the paramount significance of innovation and integrity in ensuring successful IPOs and sustaining corporate development. This academic inquiry contributes valuable insights to the literature on IPOs in the context of the evolving regulatory landscape in China. The study endeavors to provide a nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by companies navigating the intricate process of IPOs, offering guidance for entities seeking to navigate these complexities successfully.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240725

    Return-forecasting Signals in Australia, Brazil and United States’ Equity Markets

    This paper offers an in-depth analysis of the role various signals play in equity indices within Australia, Brazil, and the United States. Utilizing statistical methods, particularly single-variate regression analysis, I examine the relationship between the monthly return rates of these indices alongside various signals. A noteworthy finding of my research is that certain trading signals exhibit statistical significance within the context of individual nations, yet this significance does not translate across borders. This difference could be attributed to distinct economic factors inherent to each country, such as varying inflation rates and market microstructures. This study sheds light on multiple financial literatures by offering a comparative cross-sectional perspective on equity markets, and it laid the foundation for more nuanced financial research in the future. Despite the significant insights gained from this study, it also acknowledges the potential for further enhancement of the dataset, emphasizing the quest for a deeper understanding of these complicated relationships.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240727

    Identification and Prevention of Financial Fraud of Merger and Acquisition Target of Public Company: Taking the Acquisition of Grand Image Advertising by Tianshan Animal Bio-Engineering as an Example

    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the Financial Fraud of Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Target of public company in the process of M&A of target company, and take the case of Grand Image Advertising being merged and acquired by Tianshan Animal Bio-engineering as an example for in-depth analysis. Firstly, starting from the background and significance of M&A activities of public companies, it is pointed out that weak regulation leads to the prominence of financial fraud problems, especially in the context of the full implementation of the registration system for the issuance of shares, the market is facing new opportunities and challenges. This paper analyses the motivation of Financial Fraud of Merger of M&A Target of public company through GONE theory. At the same time, combined with cases, it analyses the signs of financial fraud in depth. Finally, this paper puts forward suggestions on how to prevent Financial Fraud of M&A Target of public Company. This study provides useful theoretical and practical references for further promoting the reform of comprehensive registration system, standardising the market regulatory environment, and guiding the market participating institutions to practice correctly.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240729

    The Spillover Effect of Stock Market Sentiment Intensity and Uncertainty on Housing Market in the United States

    Investor sentiment is a key indicator of market performance. Many have studied how investor sentiment affects market returns or returns of different categories of stocks. Besides, many also studied how information revealed in media can affect the housing market. This paper focuses on the sentiment revealed in social media, Tweet, by combining these two key factors that have not been studied. This paper studies the spillover effect of stock market sentiment on the housing market by applying Vector Autoregression. The VAR model helps explain the relationship between housing prices and stock market sentiment from tweets, where sentiments are divided into sentiment intensity and sentiment uncertainty. The series of sentiment intensity and series of housing prices interact with each other, and the change in sentiment in the last period spills over to the housing market which affects housing prices, but the change in housing price does not affect sentiment in reverse. Similarly, the series of sentiment uncertainty and the series of housing prices interact with each other, and the change in sentiment diversity in the last period also spills over to the housing market which affects housing prices, but the change in housing price does not affect sentiment in reverse.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240731

    Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions & Goodwill Impairment: A Literature Review

    In recent years, the landscape of corporate strategies has witnessed a notable shift, propelled by the burgeoning trend of marketization and bolstered by the supportive framework of China's national economic policies. Listed companies are increasingly leveraging mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and restructuring initiatives to propel the expansion of their business operations and fortify their core competitiveness. However, amid this strategic fervor, the looming risk of substantial goodwill impairment stemming from M&A and restructuring endeavors emerges as a pivotal factor, casting a shadow on market stability. This article delves into an extensive examination by amalgamating existing literature on M&A and goodwill impairment studies. It aims to elucidate the root causes behind M&A goodwill impairment and shed light on the economic repercussions associated with such impairments, drawing insights from M&A and goodwill-related concepts and theories. Building upon the foundation of contemporary academic research, the article conducts a thorough exploration into the intricacies of M&A goodwill impairment, culminating in actionable suggestions pertaining to corporate M&A practices and the imperative prevention of goodwill impairment.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240732

    The Successful Transformation Strategies and Performance Analysis of Listed Companies: Taking Haier Company as an Example

    This article takes Haier, a well-known listed company in China, as the research object, and explores in depth the strategies and performance analysis for successful transformation of enterprises. The article first provides an overview of the basic situation of Haier Company, focusing on its three stages of diversified development, international development, and global intelligent development, showcasing the growth process of Haier Company in continuous transformation. On this basis, this article further analyzes the key strategies for Haier's successful transformation, mainly including organizational strategy restructuring, product digitization, and digital platform construction. Then, this article also conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the transformation effect of Haier Company. The evaluation was conducted from two dimensions: financial performance and non-financial performance, and the results showed that Haier Company achieved significant improvement in financial performance and non-financial performance during the transformation process. Based on the above research, this article draws the conclusion of Haier's successful transformation and summarizes its experience. Research has found that Haier has achieved significant results in financial performance and comprehensive improvement in non-financial performance by implementing effective transformation strategies. This provides useful reference and guidance for other listed companies in China, which helps to promote the development of related industries.

  • Open Access | Article 2024-05-24 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/83/20240737

    The Benefits and Costs of Livestreaming in E-Commerce Development in China

    Nowadays, with the continuous development of science and technology, online shopping has become the shopping method that most people choose and trust. China’s e-commerce platforms are also constantly upgrading to provide consumers with better services. Different from the original television advertisements and street billboards, these advertisements are posted on shopping platforms or short video platforms by celebrities, who recommend their products to their fans and use the heat online and popularity to drive product sales. However, this leads to new problems, that there are many goods have the problem of false publicity and the use of celebrity effect to deceive consumers. This article discusses some benefits of livestream commerce and then explores the false propaganda of celebrities and how to curb it and prevent it from happening. Therefore, consumers can be assured when buying products online, while their rights and interests are protected, so that they can have a proper after-sales rights protection service.

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