Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences

- The Open Access Proceedings Series for Conferences

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Volume Info.

  • Title

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business and Policy Studies

    Conference Date






    978-1-915371-73-7 (Print)

    978-1-915371-74-4 (Online)

    Published Date



    Javier Cifuentes-Faura, University of Murcia

    Canh Thien Dang, King's College London


  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230857

    Different portfolio performance based on momentum strategy, market neutral strategy and PEG ratio in volatile market

    This paper aims to analyze the return of the investment portfolio based on the judgment of the current market, combining the characteristics of the strategy and the situation of the applicable industry. At present, many research papers have an aperture in understanding and practical application of the above topics, because they have not been comprehensively presented from multiple perspectives such as market and industry conditions and strategic characteristics. Momentum strategy, market neutral strategy and PEG ratio are selected here, combined with representative stocks in the consumer industry, energy industry, Internet and real estate for portfolio construction. By selecting the S&P 500 as a benchmark, it is compared with the historical price trend of individual stocks and the performance of the issuing company. While individual stock prices fluctuate significantly more than the benchmark, it is still possible to judge from the price action which strategy is more suitable. Based on the above analysis, it can be intuitively seen that momentum strategies and market neutral strategies are more suitable for the moment. It has reference value for strategy selection and construction in volatile markets. The analysis of the PEG ratio is relatively simple, and the ratio is only used as the adjustment and correction of the price-earnings ratio, and there are still many defects.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230858

    Sweet Potato Yield Prediction for Index Insurance in North Carolina

    Agriculture index insurance is an innovative topic that has not been well studied in the United States. North Carolina produces 1.7 billion pounds of sweet potatoes in 2020, but currently, there is no insurance to reduce the financial risk of farmers. As a result, index insurance focusing on North Carolina sweet potato farmers can be profitable. In this study, the precipitation is forecasted by the linear model using the first lag and seasonal factors. The predicted precipitations from May to September are then used to predict the yield. The precipitation model has significant factors for Season3, which represents July to September, the rainy season of North Carolina; the yield model has a significant variable of September, which is the harvest season of sweet potatoes in North Carolina. The precipitation model falls short of predicting the exact value of precipitation, but it catches the trend and seasonality. Despite the insensitivity of the precipitation model, the yield is predicted relatively accurate. The result of this study can be used to design the thresholds of the index insurance. Insurance companies can use thresholds to design insurance plans with different premiums.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230859

    The future of Electric Vehicle Batteries

    As the performance of BEVs has received increasing attention in recent years as electric vehicles have become hot, the focus of our research is on a series of problems brought about by the over-engineering of EV batteries that are detrimental to the development of EVs including the charging range of EVs and the problem of excessive weight and solutions to make EVs dominate the automotive industry, we use "swap stations" and "mobile with dual charging ports in a platform with adaptive fast charging of multiple battery systems" are two strategies to solve the above problems. As a result, we found a solution to the battery over-engineering problem. In this way, electric vehicles will be able to stand out in the automotive industry and thus increase sales.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230860

    A Case Study of Tencent Music: How’s the Music Streaming Industry Faring Under Covid-19?

    We identified five factors influencing the stock price of Tencent Music at various times in the paper. We used two mathematical techniques by collecting data on these five variables. By calculating the correlation coefficients, we were able to determine the influence of each variable on Tencent Music over different periods. Using the Linest equation in Google Sheets, we then developed a Linear regression model for Tencent Music. We used the regression model to calculate the slope, y-interpret, and predict the quarterly stock price to compare with the actual quarterly stock price. By analyzing Tencent Music's stock, we conclude the article with our perspective on the entire Chinese streaming media industry.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230861

    Mental health condition can be seen through facial appearances

    Mental health is essential to all of us. Research has shown that facial appearance can hold cues for symptoms of depression, and perceived mental health reflects actual mental health. However, little research shows the relationship between people's judgments of mental health conditions and facial appearances. Here we will discuss the relationship between mental health and facial appearance. We will collect photos of faces under different mental conditions and let observers rate their mental health scores. Moreover, we will also measure the observers' mental health condition to see whether people with mental illness can accurately judge faces under the same condition.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230862

    Does Covid-19 Change the Effect of Competition on Price Discrimination in U.S. Airline Industry?

    This paper seeks to examine the relationship between price discrimination and market competition before and after the outbreak of Covid-19 in the US busiest flight route, from Los Angeles airport, LAX to New York airport, JFK as a representation of the U.S. airline market. Scholars hitherto have long been focused on the effect of market concentration on price dispersion. There are two main conflicting theories that determine the relationship, the monopoly effect, and the branding effect. We analyze the air lane from Los Angeles to New York in two time periods, one from 2018 to 2020, and the other from 2020 to 2022 to see if Covid-19 changes the dominance of one effect over the other. The results of our study show that market competition has a positive effect on price discrimination during the pre-Covid period while revealing a negative effect on price discrimination after the outbreak. We conclude from the results that the branding effect dominates the LAX-JFK market before Covid-19, which means that higher competition increases the capability of a firm to charge different prices for different segments of customers whereas the monopoly effect overturns after the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230863

    Game Analysis on Supervision of live goods problem with Tiktok Platform Participation including the absence of Lemon market

    With the internet and technology development, the utilization rate of short video platforms has gradually increased, and online shopping has become very common. On September 20, 2016, Tiktok short video platform was launched. A TikTok mall is a delivery tool provided by Tiktok e-commerce for merchants. The platform reduces the threshold for merchants to meet the requirements and implements a comprehensive opening policy to obtain more user traffic. Inevitably, lowering the threshold brings the disadvantage of merchants selling fake and inferior products, leading to the lemon for the market and significantly impacting the platform atmosphere and user traffic. Based on the idea of mixed strategy and a journal about the online game theory of product quality, this paper adds more variables, taking into account the negative impact of Tiktok's actual scheme policy and lemon market. Constructing a game theory model including merchants and Tiktok regulatory department, analyze its nash equilibrium and derivative of each variable. Finally, find out that the lemon market exists on the Tiktok platform. Second, the higher cost of high-quality firms leads to strengthening supervision to prevent the low-quality firms from being driven out of the market. Third, the lower profit of low-quality goods, the merchants prefer to sell high-quality goods. The strategies selected by the regulatory authorities on the Tiktok platform and the strategies of the merchants are influenced by the production costs of different quality, the regulatory costs, and the rewards obtained from the efforts made by the regulatory authorities in sampling inspection. These factors will also influence their profits. This paper will prove the conclusion with accurate data.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230864

    Industry development analysis of shared travel platform online car-hailing platform

    Catering to the development wave of Internet +, The ride-hailing service, which combines public transport with the Internet's positioning system, has attracted many users. After that, many online car-hailing platforms represented by "Didi Dache" and "Cao Cao Chauffeur" emerged, which achieved great success through online publicity. Its appearance greatly facilitates people's life, and it can also meet the needs of different passengers through personalized services. Nowadays, the ride-hailing industry has entered a stage of steady development, but many problems have been exposed along with the development, and most people focus on safety issues. The development of ride-hailing has changed people's concept of life, so it is also caught in the conflict and contradiction of classic cars, like many new things. However, with the launch of "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Service", the state has also shown its support and affirmation for the business model of the online booking car industry. This study will explore the market development structure of ride-hailing and will focus on the current problems and solutions of the ride-hailing industry.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230865

    Trading Strategy–Purchasing Power Parity

    This paper mainly focuses on one Strategy–Purchasing Power Parity. PPP is a value strategy that shows whether a currency is overvalued or undervalued based on the market prices of a specific good in different nations, and investors believe that the currency will get back to its fair value in the long run so that they would be long the undervalued currencies, and vice versa. This strategy is one of the two presentations from the class presentations. Furthermore, it was well developed in its modern form by Gustav Cassel in his article Abnormal Deviations in International Exchanges.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230866

    Relations Between De-industrialization and Terms of Trade: A Historical Review and Econometric Examination

    The international trade and industrial structure since the industrial revolution have changed significantly featured with a booming trade volume and unprecedented speed of industrialization. However, under the current of industrial process of western nations, the third-world countries, are experiencing a de-industrial process. Through industrialization and de-industrialization, the structure of the world was significantly changed, and the world was later classified as the developed and developing nations. This classification still works for current world order. Thus, tracing the reason that the process of world classification is vital, which could better enhance the understanding of contemporary world. This paper aims to analyse the reasons for the de-indudstrialization in the peripheries with a historical and econometric review.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230870

    Study of Great Power Dominance of the International Order Behind Veto: Take China as an Example

    A resolution to hold the five permanent Security Council members responsible for wielding the veto was passed by the UN General Assembly at its 76th session. Veto power is undoubtedly a vital part of the exercise of the veto power in international affairs at a time when humanity is facing unprecedented change; Moreover, by exercising their veto power in consultation and coordination of international affairs, the major powers are also contributing to the mitigation and stabilization of international affairs, as well as the establishment of a just and rational international order by promoting the development of a multipolar trend. They share a wide range of common interests and responsibilities on many important issues concerning the survival and growth of humanity, such as maintaining world peace and security, combating international drug trafficking and protecting the living environment of refugees, etc. This article will analyze the above aspects while specifically analyzing the role that great powers can play in promoting the multilateral system and contributing to developing countries, taking China as an example. As argued in this paper, the resolution subtly affirms the function of the UN P5, even though it seems to restrict the P5's veto authority. This paper's goal is to investigate the function of the P5 veto from the perspective of both the P5 and third world countries, as well as to discuss what can be done by developing countries to establish themselves as an emerging force after the postwar period when the big powers dominated international affairs.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230871

    Feasibility Analysis of the UN Security Council's Involvement in Climate Change Issues: Using Climate Refugees as An Entry Point

    In view of the increasingly severe negative impact of climate change on mankind, and given the current limited international intervention in this issue, the intervention of the UN Security Council should be sought. This paper takes the issue of climate refugees as a starting point. It proposes a strict limitation on the definition of climate refugees to help identify climate refugees more scientifically and accurately in reality. Given the difficulty of forming an effective protection system for climate refugees under the international framework, the need for the Security Council to intervene has increased significantly. Moreover, given the potential threat of climate refugees to global security, and considering that there is already a similar precedent, the Security Council should, by Article 41 of the UN Charter, adopt a resolution requesting all countries to take practical measures to mitigate the effects of climate change to reduce the generation of climate refugees and deploy response plans in advance for possible future climate refugees

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230878

    Loss Aversion and Protectionism

    The concept of “loss aversion” in behavior economics was proposed by Kahneman and Tversky in 1979 with the famous prospect theory. Loss aversion is a cognitive bias suggesting that an avoidance of loss is preferred by people than an equivalent gain. The impact of loss aversion is profound in multiple areas of human life, including economics, society, politics, media, etc. This study aims to investigate the relation between loss aversion and trade policies, in particular, the implementation of protectionist trade policies. Literatures in the area of political economics about trade policy are reviewed. The Grossman-Helpman model, which predicts a set of determinants of trade policy, is discussed. Three empirical studies – the U.S. steel industry, the U.S. Section 301 proceedings, and the Chinese cotton industry – as well as the influence of loss aversion in each case, are analyzed and discussed in detail. Overall, the study draws its conclusion based on previous literatures and empirical studies, and it further confirms that loss aversion would lead to a risk-averse behavior of policy makers by reviewing empirical cases.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230879

    Brandy Melville’s Social Media Marketing Strategy-Taking Girls in Generation Z as an Example

    A fast fashion brand that has become topical and popular in recent years, it must be Brandy Melville. In the era of fast fashion dying out, BM really has a big market. People never see their advertisements because they don't advertise. Brandy Melville used social media marketing strategies to successfully create concepts such as BM girl, BM style, etc. Make the brand a representative of American style clothing. Brandy Melville is especially popular among Gen Z girls. This article analyzes the success and controversy of BM's social media marketing strategy by studying the relationship between BM and z-generation girls, the BM brand's 4P marketing strategy, and the social issues brought about by the BM brand.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230880

    The Impact of Geographical Location on Urban Development

    City is the focus of logistics, passenger flow and information flow, and the unity of a large number of material and spiritual entities in a narrow geographical range. Cities can gather a large number of people, buildings and social and economic activities in a small area, all depend on a good location. When a region needs a city and where it is born, the decisive factor is location. A city, as long as it has a good location, can be quickly rebuilt after natural and man-made disasters. Based on the geographical location of the city, this paper discusses the natural resources, time difference and traffic respectively, and with examples of different cities are given in detail. This paper discusses the impacts of geographical location on urban development on different aspects, from natural resources, time difference and traffic. Those are factors can be determined by the geographical location of cities. Iceland benefits from superior geographical location with abundant natural resources, while Saudi Arabia suffers from poor geographical location with limited clean water supply. Bangalore enjoys the perfect time difference with United States. Zhengzhou and Guangzhou are in superb geographical locations in terms of convenient transportation. This paper concluded that geographical location plays a great role in promoting economic growth and potential urban development.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230885

    A Study on the High Quality Development Path of Building “Smart Community” in Chinese Cities in the Context of Digital Economy - A Case Study of Haishu District, Ningbo City

    The idea of a "Smart City" has evolved as society as a whole has begun to grow intelligently in the framework of the digital economy. The traditional community governance model, which represents a city’s most fundamental unit, is no longer appropriate for the culture of today, and the idea of a "Smart Community" has been put out. It is a new kind of community that uses cutting-edge developing technologies like cloud computing, next-generation internet, big data, and intelligence to be practical, comfortable, convenient, and sustainable. By using the Haishu district of Ningbo as a case study, this research analyses the approach taken and the dilemmas that may be encountered when building a "Smart Community” and proposes a high-quality development path for building a "Smart Community" based on the case. The study finds that stakeholders at all levels need to be closely connected, share data and develop collaboratively, and that there is a need to further develop the talent for "Smart Community" and actively promote the idea of "Smart Community".

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230886

    Study on the Utilization of Water Resources in Lanzhou City Based on Sustainable Development

    In the 1970s, because of the aggravation of environmental pollution and the emergence of energy crisis, people gradually realized that separating economy, society and environment for development could only bring devastating disasters to the earth and human society. This sense of crisis led to the birth of the theory of sustainable development. Nowadays, the theory of sustainable development has been further developed and practiced in China, and the Chinese government has put forward a representative "China Plan" based on this. Under the tide of national sustainable development, Lanzhou, located in arid areas, is also facing the problem of sustainable development of water resources, and needs to make positive response. The sustainable landscape of Pune, India, has certain reference significance for the recycling of water resources in Lanzhou, and this measure can also be applied to water-saving activities in Lanzhou in the future.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230888

    To What Extent Has Hong Kong's Urbanization Process and Housing Policies Contributed to Its Inability to Provide Sufficient Affordable Housing?

    With a population of 7.5 million and the most unaffordable housing market in the world, Hong Kong is known for its high-density forms of development. Despite the many housing policies introduced by the Hong Kong government and its deep understanding of the importance of solving the housing problem, progress has been slow and even somewhat unsuccessful. The purpose of this paper is to explore the reasons for Hong Kong, China's inability to provide sufficient affordable housing by analyzing its urbanization process and housing policies. The main conclusion reached in the end is that Hong Kong's housing problems are largely a result of its history and urbanization; the biggest flaw in Hong Kong's land development mechanism has led to its lack of land for residential development; and entanglements between vested interests and different groups have hindered the change of the mechanism.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230893

    The Impact of Water Pollution on Human Society—Taking Tarim River as an Example

    From 1950s, the Tarim river resources have been developed. More and more human activities are taking part in this place. At the same time, it shows the potential of the development of the economy. However, it also bring back a big damage and pollution to this place due to the fact of overusing. “Tragdy of Commons” describe the exact same issue as this essay states. The topic for this essay is to analyze the balance between the development of the economy and the environmental issues. The analyzing method is literature review. By using the Fragmentation of water resource protection and cleaning systems, improving supervision and other effective way to overcome the negative effect of the development.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-09-13 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/15/20230899

    Analysis of the Australian Stock Market: Organization, Players, Challenges, and Opportunities

    The Australian stock market is discussed in this report because of its importance as a financial hub. In Australia, the primary market operator is the Australian Securities Exchange Ltd (ASX), which is increasingly utilizing technology to develop novel approaches to maximizing shareholder value. Several aspects of the Australian stock market and its participants are discussed using the existing literature as a basis for this paper. The report provides context for ASX's technology deployment. Secondly, it draws attention to the ASX's significant participants. The article's third section discusses the opportunities and threats that participants in the Australian stock market face. Problems have arisen in the regulation and operations of the Australian stock market due to recent changes, such as the transfer of regulatory authority to ASIC, the introduction of new rules regarding the disclosure of information regarding securities lending and short sales, and the introduction of novel market integrity rules. Investing in Australia's financial markets makes sense for several reasons, including the country's rapidly growing domestic market, sophisticated corporate infrastructure, pension-friendly government, and highly educated, multilingual workforce.

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