Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences

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Volume Info.

  • Title

    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Economic Management and Green Development

    Conference Date






    978-1-83558-091-2 (Print)

    978-1-83558-092-9 (Online)

    Published Date



    Canh Thien Dang, King's College London


  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231771

    Analysis of the Medical Device Industry in German & US: Evidence from Medtronic and Siemens

    With the increasing demand for medical care, the development and impact of the medical instrument industry receive widespread attention. This article analyzes the market, policies, and other relevant information of the medical instrument industry in the United States and Germany. In the 21st century, the United States has the world's largest medical device market and the most advanced medical device technology, and has a strict and efficient examination and approval agency led by the FDA. It is the country with the most development prospects and potential, and has given birth to several highly competitive and innovative medical device enterprises. Germany has a century-long history of producing high-quality medical devices, and is the third largest medical device market in the world, second only to the United States and Japan. Siemens is one of the few large medical device manufacturers in Germany, which plays an important role in promoting the development of medical device industry in Germany. Taking Medtronic and Siemens as examples, the development of medical instruments is of great significance for the development and stability of a country.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231743

    The Research on the Influence of Fast Fashion Brands' Social Responsibility on Consumers' Purchase Intention: Taking H&M as an Example

    Fast fashion companies are renowned for offering "affordable, fast, and fashionable" clothing, providing more consumers access to affordable fashion. With the advancement of corporate social responsibility globalization, more and more consumers are also concerned about the corporate social responsibility of fast fashion brands. Taking H&M Group's corporate social responsibility as an example, this paper examined the relationship between Chinese consumers' purchase intention and CSR, discussed the critical considerations for consumers to make purchase decisions for fast fashion products, reviewed the pertinent research on fast fashion, CSR, and elaborated on the interplay between the three and how they affect one another, with the hope of advancing the field of corporate social responsibility research in developing countries. The empirical findings of this study can aid decision makers in comprehending the attitudes of Chinese consumers toward corporate social responsibility, encouraging businesses to actively implement social responsibility strategies and assisting businesses in carrying out corporate social responsibility marketing. The 92 valid questionnaires collected in this study's questionnaire survey yielded the following findings: due to individual variances, the CSR of fast fashion brands affects consumers differently in China. Corporate social responsibility is crucial and can in some cases help to control consumers' intentions to make purchases.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231715

    Tencent's Acquisition of China Music Corporation: A Case Study

    Since the 21st century, the rapid development of the internet has led to the digitization of the music industry. In order to expand its business areas and scale, Tencent acquired China Music Corporation. This move will not only help Tencent and China Music Corporation achieve complementary advantages and work together to seize the dividends of the internet era, but also fill the gaps in related areas and enhance Tencent's overall competitiveness. However, both Tencent and China Music Corporation have not disclosed much information about this acquisition, and the media has not reported extensively on it. The purpose of this article is to integrate and summarize the relevant information of this acquisition, analyze the strategic objectives and financial effects of Tencent's acquisition of China Music Corporation, and fill the gaps in related information on the internet. Based on the analysis of the financial statements before and after the acquisition, this article will rationally analyze the strategic objectives of the acquisition and the financial effects of the acquisition. The choice of Tencent's acquisition target is correct, as China Music Corporation can effectively make up for Tencent's shortcomings in the field of music. This acquisition not only improves Tencent's music industry chain structure, but also conforms to Tencent's diversified development strategy. From a decision-making perspective, Tencent is a trustworthy company for value investors.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231716

    The Impact of Meituan's Acquisition of VW Dianping: The Perspective of Building a Business Ecosystem and Industry

    In China, the O2O industry has undergone rapid development and tremendous changes. From the initial group buying and takeaway services to today's various aspects of hotel accommodation, travel and holiday, ticket booking and lifestyle services, O2O has become an integral part of people's daily lives. The merger between VW Dianping and Meituan is a highly publicized event in China's internet industry. The M&A involves two leading O2O (online-to-offline) platforms, merging two competitors into one massive ecosystem with far-reaching implications for the competitive landscape and business models of China's Internet industry. Against this backdrop, an in-depth study and exploration of the VW Dianping and Meituan mergers and acquisitions can provide a better understanding of the history and trends in the development of this industry, as well as provide more valuable references for future development. By analyzing the motivations for the M&A, the study finds that the M&A has had many positive effects on Meituan and VW Dianping and has driven the efficiency and business expansion of both companies, facilitating the building of a business ecosystem with Meituan at its core, providing opportunities as well as bringing more challenges, while having far-reaching effects on the companies themselves and the industry.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231717

    Audi China’s Sustainability Initiatives: Aligning with China’s Environmental Policies

    Under the background of China's automobile market where the concept of environmental protection prevails, the representative traditional fuel vehicle company Audi is used to discuss the relationship between fuel vehicle companies and China's sustainable development policies. The purpose is to discover how traditional car companies should change their status quo in the twilight Chinese market of fuel vehicles. First, it is important to recognize the importance of China's sustainable development policy and corporate social responsibility and the government's high regard for it. The paper then examines Audi China's sustainability initiatives, including its efforts to reduce carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency, and promote electric vehicles. And this article also puts forward some suggestions on the measures that Audi China can take to deal with these challenges. And summed up the changes that Audi China should make under the environmental protection concept of the Chinese market.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231720

    Factors Influencing Consumer Satisfaction in Platform-Based Companies: A SERVQUAL Model Study in the Internet+ Era

    With the continuous development of Internet technology, Internet+ has become a hot topic today. In this context, companies need to pay more attention to consumer satisfaction in order to improve their market competitiveness. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the influencing factors of satisfaction in the Internet+ perspective and conduct a comparative study of different influencing factors. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors influencing consumer satisfaction based on the SERVQUAL model in the Internet+ perspective. Through a review of related literature, this paper summarizes the changes in consumer needs in the Internet+ perspective and the applicability of the SERVQUAL model in the Internet+ environment. Based on this, this paper constructs a research framework of consumer satisfaction influencing factors based on the SERVQUAL model and proposes the following influencing factors: service quality, price, brand image, product quality, marketing strategy, etc. At the same time, the definition of satisfaction is explained and the influencing factors of satisfaction are sorted out in this paper. Subsequently, this paper presents a detailed analysis of the influencing factors of satisfaction in the Internet+ perspective, including product quality, service quality, price, brand image, etc. This paper adopts a questionnaire survey to investigate the consumers of platform-based companies and conducts a statistical analysis of the survey results. By comparing the consumer satisfaction of the platforms, this paper derives the degree of influence of different influencing factors on satisfaction.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231722

    Performance of Time-series Momentum Strategy: US Evidence

    This paper examines the effectiveness of the time series momentum strategy in generating positive returns in the US stock market, with a focus on exploring its dynamics and performance using different moving average methods. The author conducted an empirical analysis of the time series momentum strategy using S&P500 data from 2000 to 2022. A regression model was applied to estimate the expected returns and volatility of each as-set, and then an evaluation of momentum trading strategy based on different moving average methods was developed. The author evaluates the performance of the strategy with and without transaction costs. The study contributes to the literature by providing empirical evidence on the effectiveness of the time series momentum strategy in the US stock market and by exploring the performance of different moving average methods on the strategy. The findings of this study can provide insights for investors and portfolio managers interested in implementing momentum strategies in their investment portfolios.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231724

    The Impact of Carbon-neutral Planning on China's Economy

    After China put forward the development goal of carbon neutralization and peak carbon, new energy power such as wind power, hydroelectric power, and solar power are undergoing booming development. The plan of carbon neutrality not only has environmental values but also has great economic values for China’s economy. This paper will study the topic from the following aspects: Literature review, carbon neutrality development in China, potential impacts of carbon neutrality on the Chinese economy, and the economic impact outlook. The transition to carbon neutrality brings great benefits for China despite its challenges. This study focuses especially on new energy resources by analyzing the real changes that took place in China in recent years on the way to achieve carbon neutrality. Given the fact that China is still in a critical stage of development, energy storage is of great importance to China. It is no doubt that China’s transition to new energy resources is a huge driver for its economic growth and economic boom.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231726

    “Green Courtyard Residential Areas”: Exploring the Spatial Pattern of London Suburban Residential Areas Integrating Public Green Spaces and Living Spaces

    The highly restrictive Green Belt policy in London, United Kingdom has created a dichotomy between living environments and natural surroundings, posing challenges to urban development. In an attempt to alleviate this situation, this study focuses on the New Barnet residential area, located adjacent to the Green Belt, and summarizes the issues faced by the residential area based on field investigations. Subsequently, the integration of urban living spaces and natural spaces is emphasized from three spatial scales, proposing and elucidating the spatial pattern of “Green Courtyard Residential Areas.” Lastly, based on three issues related to the site’s original condition, the outcomes of the renewal are presented. Quantitative comparative analysis is conducted on the data before and after the renewal of green spaces and residential buildings, followed by a feasibility analysis of the renewal scheme. The proposal of “Green Courtyard Residential Areas” provides a potential solution to reconcile the juxtaposition of living spaces and green spaces in London.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231727

    Research on the Problems and Strategies of Delegation Management in a Cross-Cultural Context —— The Case of the University of Sydney

    This paper focuses on the decision of a manager or supervisor to delegate a task or responsibility to one or more employees as “delegation”, or DOA for short; It also focuses on the influence of globalization on the workplace empowerment system and proposes that a mixed cultural environment, the authority of leaders is not only based on actual ability but also on subjective cognitive decision-making. Globalization has made technological skills available to the international market, and governments and non-profit organizations need to establish cross-cultural empowerment systems to promote the growth of different groups. In this context, implementing mandates faces multiple obstacles, such as discrimination and stereotypes based on gender, race, and ethnicity. The impact of discrimination will be examined by data from the Pew Research Center’s 2019 Race in America report. This article will compare real-world case studies to weigh the pros and cons of cross-cultural empowerment. Second, make recommendations based on generally accepted views of cultural influence and individual agency. In addition, this paper also discusses the characteristics of the situational leadership model, the third culture, and Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory as its foundation. In this paper’s case study of China Europe International Business School in Shanghai, a significant conflict between different cultures occurred. Based on the situational leadership model, the third culture, and Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimensions, to solve the problems of distrust and language barriers in communication, using a third language can effectively alleviate possible conflicts.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231728

    From Subprime Mortgages to a Global Pandemic: An Assessment of Systemic Risk in the 2008 Financial Crisis and COVID-19

    The COVID-19 crisis and the 2008 financial crisis are two major global events that have significantly impacted the global economy and society. Although both contributed to the economic downturn to some extent, they were fundamentally not social events of the exact nature. The COVID-19 crisis was caused by a global pandemic that has resulted in business closures and travel restrictions. The 2008 financial crisis, which resulted in widespread financial panic and a credit shortage, was mostly caused by the collapse of the housing market and the accompanying financial catastrophe. This paper first explores what triggered the 2008 financial crisis. The Federal Reserve's loose policy made it extremely easy to borrow during that period, which fueled the subprime loan market and the housing market bubble; the lack of regulation in the market made many financial institutions take excessive risks. This paper then also analyzes government interventions, including the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act and the introduction of Basel III, to prevent further collapse of the economy. Despite extensive government intervention, the post-crisis recovery has been slow and uneven. The lessons that countries should learn from the crisis strengthen the resilience of the global financial system and prevent similar crises from recurring in the future.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231731

    Tencent’s Success in Video Streaming: An Economic Theory-based Analysis

    With the rise of internet technology and the popularity of mobile devices, the video industry has become an increasingly important part of the global entertainment landscape. This paper discusses the pricing strategy of Tencent in the video streaming industry. The paper states that Tencent has used the Bertrand Model to set prices equal to marginal costs to attract customers and expand its market share. However, in the case of Tencent Video’s subscription price hike, the Cournot Model may be more applicable as the firm assumes that customers will continue to subscribe during the pandemic period. Despite the subscription price increase, the change in the price would be larger than the change in demand, leading to higher profits. The article also discusses the increase in demand for Tencent Video memberships and the factors contributing to it. From a game theory perspective, Tencent and its members can be modeled as playing a classic prisoner’s dilemma game. Finally, the article discusses the opportunity cost for consumers and the concerns regarding the fairness of the increase in membership fees. This paper also utilizes the SWOT analysis.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231732

    Global Financial Crisis and Risk Management

    This paper explores the 2008 financial crisis. It looks at its causes, consequences, and the changes that were effected to prevent the global economy from a similar crisis in the future. The crisis began in the United States, spread quickly, and ended up affecting the global population’s jobs, homes, and savings. The paper identifies the Federal Reserve’s financial policies, subprime mortgages, and credit default swaps (CDS) as the main causes of the 2008 financial crisis – each of these factors played a significant part in leading to the crisis. The combination of these factors made the effects of the 2008 financial crisis even more severe, leading to a broader economic downturn. The consequences of the crisis included increased regulation of the financial industry, government intervention through bailouts, a decline in housing prices, higher unemployment rates, and the breakdown of significant several major banks and financial institutions. These consequences were severe and governments had to come up with solutions to prevent a similar happening in the future through measures like the Dodd-Frank Act and the Basel III framework.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231733

    The Impact of Sports Sponsorship on Brand Value in Major Sports Events -- The Case of Qatar World Cup

    Sports sponsorship has steadily risen to the top of the list of marketing strategies used by companies, particularly sports and fashion brands. The most recent significant sporting event to draw a record-breaking number of spectators and attention is the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. The main sponsors of the event have also attracted public attention. A study on the sports sponsorship of the Qatar World Cup can, on the one hand, examine more important factors, evaluate its marketing effectiveness, and offer examples for sponsor brands. On the other hand, it can also offer rationalization suggestions for the event organizers and sponsors to improve their sponsorship effectiveness and brand value, further promoting the joint development of both parties as well as the development of the sports industry and sponsor brands. The research perspective and theories around sponsorship marketing are further enhanced by this study. This study has sequentially suggested three elements in sponsorship activities that may affect the value of sponsoring brands, including audience involvement, media publicity, and co-sponsorship, using primarily quantitative analysis. Consumer audience participation, the success of media publicity, and the perception of co-sponsorship are all significant elements that have an impact on the brand value of sponsors in the modern sports sponsorship environment. This paper takes sports event consumers as the investigation target, builds a research model based on theoretical research and literature studies, and proposes research hypotheses in order to clarify the mechanism of audience involvement, media publicity, and co-sponsorship on the brand value of sponsors. In order to carefully study and develop conclusions on the effects of sponsoring significant athletic events on sponsor brand value in several dimensions, data were collected widely through surveys and analyzed using SPSS. Media publicity had a significant positive impact on brand value, and co-sponsorship and audience involvement had an indirect impact on brand value. It was discovered that the better the sponsorship image, the greater the impact on audience involvement and co-sponsorship, and the greater the impact on brand value. Finally, the paper offers pertinent countermeasures for brands to perform sponsorship activities and create brand value, in order to encourage the development of sports event sponsorship, based on the research findings and the present state of sports sponsorship.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231736

    Analysis of Domestic Acquisitions and Cross-Border Leveraged Buyouts of Companies

    With the development of economy, Chinese companies have started to use M&A to expand their business, and more and more core acquisition funds are investing in LBOs. Meanwhile, the pace of China's economic opening to the outside world is gradually accelerating, and many companies are making cross-border M&A to enter the international market, and leveraged buyout, as a special form of M&A for multinational companies, has also attracted attention and spread widely. This paper first analyzes the basic principles, processes, and characteristics of leveraged buyouts. Based on the current situation in China and combined with specific cases, it points out the necessity and problems of applying leveraged buyouts in China. By analyzing and studying two domestic acquisition cases and two overseas acquisition cases, the paper draws some conclusions. Leveraged buyouts are to some extent applicable to M&A activities of Chinese companies. Despite the challenges they pose, leveraged buyouts will remain an important form of M&A for Chinese firms as long as China continues to improve its legal and financial environment and standardize its operational processes. Through an analysis of China's domestic economic situation and current policies on theories related to cross-border investment in overseas M&A, the advantages and risks of cross-border leveraged buyouts are explored and countermeasures for firms to learn from are proposed.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231739

    The Stock Price Changes and Performance of JD after Second Listing in Hong Kong

    In recent years, the trend of Chinese concept stocks returning to Hong Kong stocks market has been continuously strengthening due to multiple factors. This article analyzes the changes of JD's stock price after its second listing, as well as its financial performance after its second listing. According to the analysis, the changes in costs and benefits of JD after its second listing can to some extent explain the changes in its stock price after its second listing. In addition, this study investigates the macro market environment of JD after its second listing, and finds that bearish factors such as the power game between the Chinese and American governments and the Chinese government's antitrust policies for Internet industry also affect JD's stock price. Overall, this study to some extent supplements the current research gap and provides suggestions for other Chinese concept stocks planning to return to the Hong Kong stock market in the future.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231740

    The Research on the Impact of Chinese Social Media Platform RED upon Chinese Female Consumers’ Consuming Willingness on Gucci Bags

    With the development of technology, the influence of social media on consumers cannot be underestimated. Especially during the epidemic, when most parts of the world were in a state of lockdown, online social platforms became almost the best hope for many luxury and fashion brands. This also provides a new opportunity for luxury goods marketing. How to use social media to increase consumers' willingness to buy has become a new hot topic that brands are increasingly concerned about. This paper uses the questionnaire to investigate whether female is influenced by RED to have willingness to buy Gucci bags, how often they are influenced, and what kinds of content influence and what kinds of content influence their willingness to purchase to 200 female customers in RED. While the economic situation, environment, and practicality are all issues that consumers consider, the majority of people will initially build their brand image and purchase because of the social media content. It suggests that RED will develop future potential customers for Gucci. In theory, this paper analyzes the types of content and atmosphere on social platforms that lead to consumer purchases, filling the research gap where most previous studies have analyzed the reasons why social media users share luxury goods on social platforms while ignoring luxury purchases under the influence of social media.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231745

    Analysis of the Development of China Investment Banks

    The investment banking industry is an important component of the financial industry, and investment banks are extensively involved in various aspects of social and economic development. Therefore, researches focusing on in-vestment banks are necessary and important. This study will conduct an in-depth exploration of the history of China's investment banking industry, in-cluding each development phase, changes in market size, major reasons for development, and predictions and analysis of future development. It will al-so compare the development of investment banks in Western developed countries to provide experience for the future development of China's in-vestment banks. In addition, the article will predict and look forward to the future development of China's investment banking industry at the end. It is believed that through the analysis of the past and the absorption of advanced foreign experience, one can better understand the driving force of China's investment banking industry and the challenges and opportunities it may face in the future. These results shed light on guiding further exploration of in-vesting banks.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231729

    Subprime Credit Crisis: Cause, Consequence & Response

    The 2008 financial crisis had significant impacts on the global economy, leading to the collapse of several large financial institutions, massive government bailouts, and a global recession that lasted for several years. This paper discusses the causes and consequences of the crisis, highlighting the importance of understanding the mechanisms that underlie financial crises and the role that banks and financial institutions play in them. The recent Nobel Prize in Economics, given to the research of systematic risk and the role of banks in financial crises, is also covered in this essay. The crisis was brought on by a number of causes, including loose monetary policy, a housing bubble, and the growing use of sophisticated financial derivatives. The collapse of the subprime mortgage market, the high level of unemployment, and the collapse of many large companies and banks were among the consequences of the crisis. The paper underscores the importance of continued research into the causes and mechanisms of financial crises.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-10 Doi: 10.54254/2754-1169/35/20231747

    The Dilemma and Way Out of Real Estate Groups under Covid-19

    In retrospect, the Covid-19 hit the global economic hard. As a core industry, real estate also experienced a terrible loss. This paper is aimed to reflect the practical situation affected by the epidemic, taking two typical enterprises as examples on behalf of the whole real estate industry to provide relevant ex-perience in case that if the similar emergency happens in the future. By recit-ing some essential statistics (asset-liability ratio and EBITDA etc.) during 2019 to 2022 and analyzing the fluctuations, it is obvious that this epidemic caused a big shock to these companies. The sales amount and investment de-clined considerably, leading to a fall in companies’ gross profit and equity. Apart from that, the cash flow also suffered some influences for the delayed inflow, adding risk to the debt structure. Other factors like the shortage of materials and blocked expansion as well as land acquisition also contributed to the dilemma. The business conditions in three four years were not very promising. The companies should adopt effective measures in terms of funds management, shareholding structure, financing structure and inventory supervision.

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